zoxide icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
zoxide copied to clipboard

zoxide completion on "second cd argument" breaks Zsh autocomplete

Open ssokolow opened this issue 11 months ago • 3 comments

Version: zoxide 0.9.4, freshly cargo install'd as of 2024-03-20 04:38 EDT

**Realistic Reproducer: Type (cd ~/incoming/Videos/something <Tab> by accident (note the unescaped space before the Tab key press) and try to backspace

Minimal Reproducer: Type cd egkpgeqko <Tab> and try to backspace (Again, note the unescaped space before the Tab key press)

Result: It's impossible to backspace beyond the newline zoxide's error message introduces and I'm forced to Ctrl+C to a fresh prompt and grab the mouse to copy-paste what I had typed into it.

Expected Result: Nothing is inserted if there are no matches, same as if I were using completion without zoxide.

I know it used to work this way in a previous version because I've made this mistake before but only started encountering this bug after reinstalling Kubuntu Linux for a clean 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS upgrade (preserving my existing $HOME), and re-running my cargo installs to clear out any "Error: Couldn't find older OpenSSL .so file" errors and the like.

Given that I use completion a LOT but I often forget I even have zoxide, I'll be temporarily disabling it as a workaround.

ssokolow avatar Mar 20 '24 08:03 ssokolow

Could you share your .zshrc file? I tried this on my machine, but I can't reproduce the issue.

ajeetdsouza avatar Mar 21 '24 05:03 ajeetdsouza

It's a bit... multi-part, so I'll share just the root .zshrc first, since that's where the ZSH completion configuration lives. If that's not enough, I'll figure out the least overwhelming way to share the rest.

# ssokolow's .zshrc
# {{{ Quick Reference:
# [elided: long reference documentation]
# }}}
# {{{ TODO:
# [elided: long TODO list]
# }}}

# {{{ Note the start time to detect slow starts due to disk contention

# (Use a prompt expansion modifier `(%s)` on a defaulting variable substitution
#  `:-` that contains a default but no variable so it can access `strftime`
#  without invoking a subshell to call `print -P`.)
local start_time="${(%):-"%D{%s}"}"

# }}}
# {{{ Options for profiling startup time

# Use zsh's high-level profiler
# (Run `zprof | less` after startup completes)
#zmodload zsh/zprof

# Generate more detailed xtrace script to further investigate startup time
# See https://github.com/raboof/zshprof for KCachegrind adapter
if [ "${MAKE_XTRACE_DUMP:-0}" = 1 ]; then
    local xtrace_path=/tmp/zshstart.$$.log
    exec 3>&2 2>$xtrace_path
    setopt xtrace prompt_subst

# }}}
# {{{ Source all environment settings common to both zsh and bash
# ...and don't let /etc/zsh/zprofile override env
# (Don't run it twice like `. .zshenv` would be)
# See: https://shreevatsa.wordpress.com/2008/03/30/zshbash-startup-files-loading-order-bashrc-zshrc-etc/
source ~/.common_sh_init/env

# zsh-internal equivalent to "export SHELL=`which zsh`"
# So things like 'exec zsh' work as I intend.
export SHELL==zsh

# Not sure if I need this, but it can't hurt. Fix for rcp, scp, and sudo -s.
# See the copy in .bashrc for a full explanation of its purpose
if [[ $- != *i* ]] || [[ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]] ; then
# }}}
# {{{ Load Definitions Shared With Bash:

# Pull in the stuff common to both bash and zsh
source ~/.common_sh_init/aliases
source ~/.common_sh_init/misc

# Make sure there are no duplicate entries in PATH or PYTHONPATH

# }}}

# Set up the on-action arrays for use
typeset -ga preexec_functions
typeset -ga precmd_functions
typeset -ga chpwd_functions

autoload -Uz zrecompile # Generate and cache compiled versions of initscripts
autoload -Uz run-help   # Enable Meta-H (Alt/Esc-h/H) to read the manpage for
                        # the current partially typed command

# My own functions
autoload -Uz anonsh audmv url-encode
autoload -Uz 457mv setprj
source ~/.zsh/zshrc.d/help-gnu.zsh
source ~/.zsh/zshrc.d/rg

# {{{ Completion:
# Note: Must come after common_sh_init defines any desired LS_COLORS

# Enable completion (case-insensitive, colorized, and tricked-out)
autoload -Uz compinit

# Only have compinit check the completion cache for staleness once per day
#  https://medium.com/@dannysmith/little-thing-2-speeding-up-zsh-f1860390f92
for dump in ~/.zcompdump(N.mh+24); do
  echo "Bringing completions up to date..."
  touch "$dump"

  # Compile ~/.zcompdump (Takes compinit from 90% to ~60% of zprof)
  zcompile -U "$dump" &!
  echo "Done."

compinit -C

# Disabled to work around ajeetdsouza/zoxide#766
#eval "$(zoxide init zsh --cmd cd)"

zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1
zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' # Match lowercase letters case-insensitively but not uppercase ones

# Speed up completions by reducing the fuzziness of the matching
zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact '*(N)'
# TODO: Forget fuzziness. It's too much hassle and too slow sometimes.

# Group completions by different object types for big result sets (eg. rsync)
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '%B%F{green}%d%f%b'

# Colorize completions (Note: Must come after common_sh_init defines LS_COLORS)
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#)*=0=01;31'

# Show arrow-navigable completions and, for "kill", do it even when unambiguous
# (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=987587#p987587)
zstyle ':completion:*' menu yes select
# TODO: Figure out how to get insert-unambiguous on the first keypress and menu
# on the second.
zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' force-list always
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' verbose yes
# TODO: Use accept-and-menu-complete (or, if that doesn't work, try
#       accept-and-infer-next-history) to set up a keybind for accepting the
#       selected completion and then triggering more completion (like "descend
#       into directory" in vim's wildmenu)

# Set up some comfy completion exemptions
zstyle ':completion:*:functions' ignored-patterns '_*'                     # hide completion functions from the completer
zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' ignored-patterns '(*/)#lost+found'             # hide the lost+found directory from cd
zstyle ':completion:*:complete:-command-::commands' ignored-patterns '*\~' # don't complete backup files as executables

# commands like kill don't want the same completion multiple times
# (Don't add things which take paths to this. It breaks ~/.vim<Tab> → ~/.vim/)
zstyle ':completion:*:(kill|killall|pgrep|pkill):*' ignore-line yes

# Exclude bytecode and temporary files from filename completion.
zstyle ':completion:*:*files' ignored-patterns '*?.o' '*?.pyc' '*?.pyo' '*?.class' '*?~' '*?.bak'
# TODO: Make this work
# Exclude bytecode and temporary files from completion for everything except rm.
#zstyle ':completion:*:*:(^rm):*:*files' ignored-patterns '*?.o' '*?.pyc' '*?.pyo' '*?~' '*?.bak'

# Complete PIDs and process names to any process owned by my user
# (Use "cut" as a workaround for kdeinit4 argv[0])
zstyle ':completion:*:processes' command 'ps x'     # Complete PIDs any process owned by my user
zstyle ':completion:*:processes-names' command 'ps x -o command | cut -d: -f1'

# Opt ssh and rsync out of /etc/hosts so my ad-blocking doesn't flood out
# useful completions (https://gist.github.com/4000350)
local _hosts
_hosts=(${${${(M)${(f)"$(<~/.ssh/config)"}:#Host*}#Host }:#*\**})
zstyle ':completion:*' hosts $_hosts

# Only complete users to non-system accounts (https://gist.github.com/4000615)
# Note: Only gives "root" on OSX because "getent passwd" returns an empty list
#       (Need to parse 'dscacheutil -q user' there, which has another format)
local _users
getent passwd | while IFS=: read name passwd uid rest; do
    if [[ $uid = <1000-> ]]; then
        _users=($_users $name)
zstyle ':completion:*' users $_users

# TODO: Identify which "Shell Options" control completion and move them here
# TODO: Can I set up a keybind which means "If we're not already in an {a,b,c}
#      group, then move back to the nearest /, insert {, return, and add a ','"?
# TODO: Maybe I should further subdivide this section.

# }}}
# {{{ Keybindings:

# Adjust WORDCHARS so word-by-word basically means "until a space, slash,
# period, question mark, semicolon, or ampersand", so wordwise motions in URLs
# and shellscript one-liners is useful.

# Use EMACS-style keybindings despite my having EDITOR set to vim
bindkey -e

# Make Home/End/Ins/Del work explicitly
bindkey '\e[1~'   beginning-of-line  # Linux console, PuTTY
bindkey '\e[7'    beginning-of-line  # urxvt
bindkey '\e[H'    beginning-of-line  # xterm
bindkey '\eOH'    beginning-of-line  # gnome-terminal
bindkey '\e[2~'   overwrite-mode     # Linux console, xterm, gnome-terminal, urxvt
bindkey '\e[3~'   delete-char        # Linux console, xterm, gnome-terminal, urxvt
bindkey '\e[4~'   end-of-line        # Linux console, PuTTY
bindkey '\e[8'    end-of-line        # urxvt
bindkey '\e[F'    end-of-line        # xterm
bindkey '\eOF'    end-of-line        # gnome-terminal
bindkey '\eOw'    end-of-line        # PuTTy in rxvt mode

# Make word-by-word movement work for Ctrl+Left/Right/Backspace/Delete/Tab
# TODO: Look into making an argument-by-argument delete
bindkey "\eOc"    forward-word  # urxvt
bindkey "\e[1;5C" forward-word  # everything else
bindkey "\eOd"    backward-word # urxvt
bindkey "\e[1;5D" backward-word # everything else
bindkey "\e[3\^"  kill-word # urxvt (old)
bindkey "\e[3;5~" kill-word # everything else
bindkey '^H'      backward-kill-word # konsole
bindkey "\e[Z"    reverse-menu-complete # urxvt
bindkey "\er"     reverse-menu-complete # everything else

# Set up Alt-Del to match Alt-Backspace if I'm ever stuck on VTE.
bindkey "\e[3;3~" kill-word

# Rebind Up/Down arrows to get what I like about bash's cmdhist option
# (ensure that 3 keypresses will move 3 commands up/down the history)
bindkey "^[OA" up-history
bindkey "^[OB" down-history
bindkey "^[[A" up-history
bindkey "^[[B" down-history

# The rest of the stuff from my .inputrc
bindkey "\eOa"   history-beginning-search-backward  # urxvt
bindkey "\e[1;5A" history-beginning-search-backward # everything else
bindkey "\eOb"   history-beginning-search-forward   # urxvt
bindkey "\e[1;5B" history-beginning-search-forward  # everything else
bindkey "\e[3~"   delete-char
bindkey '^r'      history-incremental-search-backward
bindkey ' '       magic-space

# }}}
# {{{ History:

# Make history work
setopt HIST_FCNTL_LOCK 2>/dev/null
setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE # Easy way to omit things from history
setopt APPEND_HISTORY # Default, but let's be sure
setopt HIST_VERIFY # Safety for !<cmd><Tab> and the like

# http://www.zsh.org/mla/workers/2013/msg00807.html
setopt NO_HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS # TODO: Keep an eye on when this is fixed


# }}}
# {{{ Shell Options: (TODO: Split out into more appropriate places)

# Set shopts which bash doesn't support

# Set shopts equivalent to stuff in my .bashrc
setopt nolistambiguous autolist
setopt NOTIFY # Default, but just in case
setopt NO_BG_NICE
setopt NOHUP

# }}}
# {{{ File Extension Associations
# Note: Must be after common_sh_init for EDITOR, IMAGE_MANAGER, and MUSIC_PLAYER

setopt AUTO_CD
alias -s {chm,CHM}=xdg-open
alias -s {pdf,PDF,ps,djvu,DjVu}=xdg-open
alias -s {pdf,PDF,ps,djvu,DjVu}=xdg-open
alias -s {cbr,Cbr,CBR,cbz,Cbz,CBZ}=xdg-open
alias -s {rar,Rar,RAR,zip,Zip,ZIP}=xdg-open
alias -s {php,css,js,htm,html}="$EDITOR"
alias -s {jpeg,jpg,JPEG,JPG,png,gif,xpm}="$IMAGE_VIEWER"
alias -s {avi,AVI,Avi,divx,DivX,mkv,mpg,mpeg,wmv,WMV,mov,rm,flv,ogm,ogv,mp4}=mplayer
alias -s {aac,ape,au,hsc,flac,gbs,gym,it,lds,ogg,m4a,mod,mp2,mp3,MP3,Mp3,mpc,nsf,nsfe,psf,sid,spc,stm,s3m,vgm,vgz,wav,wma,wv,xm}="$MUSIC_PLAYER"
# TODO: Is there any way to set up xdg-open as a default?
# TODO: Find a way to make these suffix aliases case-insensitive.

# }}}
# {{{ fortune command

# I prefer to have a fortune from any new shell, not just login ones
# ...but I don't want it further bogging down an already slow start.
local end_time="${(%):-"%D{%s}"}"
if [[ $(( end_time - start_time )) < 2 ]]; then
    # Might as well micro-optimize this. $+commands is up to 10x faster
    # (https://www.topbug.net/blog/2016/10/11/speed-test-check-the-existence-of-a-command-in-bash-and-zsh/)
    if (( $+commands[fortune] )); then
    echo "Skipping fortune (slow startup)"

# {{{ Allow the VENV_TO_ACTIVATE variable to activate virtualenvwrapper
if [ -n "$VENV_TO_ACTIVATE" ]; then
    workon "$VENV_TO_ACTIVATE"
    unset "$VENV_TO_ACTIVATE"

    if [ -n "$RUN_IN_VENV" ]; then
# }}}
# {{{ Set prompt and hardstatus

# Defer these until as late as possible to avoid running them unnecessarily
source ~/.zsh/zshrc.d/prompt_gentoo_setup
source ~/.zsh/zshrc.d/hardstatus
source ~/.zsh/zshrc.d/command_not_found_handler

# Load enhanced Ctrl+R
eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"

# }}}
# {{{ Finish gathering profiling data (if enabled)
if [[ "$MAKE_XTRACE_DUMP" = 1 ]]; then
    unsetopt xtrace
    exec 2>&3 3>&-
    echo "Profiling data saved to $xtrace_path"
    if [ -e ~/bin/log2callgrind ]; then
        ~/bin/log2callgrind < "$xtrace_path" > "$xtrace_path".callgrind
        echo "KCachegrind data saved to $xtrace_path".callgrind
# }}}

# TODO: Set ~/.zshrc immutable to keep things like RVM and the travis gem from
#       messing it up.

ssokolow avatar Mar 21 '24 06:03 ssokolow

This might be related to https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/pull/785

ashleybartlett avatar Apr 11 '24 00:04 ashleybartlett