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Error dowloading PNS
Hello, I'm attempting to download the microdata for PNS for analysis but I am encountering the following error. This error occurs when I run
lodown( "pns" , output_dir = file.path( path.expand( "~" ) , "PNS" ) )
[[1]] lodown("pns", output_dir = file.path(path.expand("~"), "PNS"))
[[2]] withCallingHandlers(catalog <- load_fun(data_name = data_name, catalog, ...), error = function(e) { print(sessionInfo()) if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e)) message(memory_note) else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e)) message(parameter_note) else if (grepl("to install", e)) message(installation_note) else { message(unknown_error_note) print(sys.calls()) } })
[[3]] load_fun(data_name = data_name, catalog, ...)
[[4]] cachaca(catalog[i, "full_url"], tf, mode = "wb")
[[5]] httr_filesize(this_url, attempts, sleepsec)
[[6]] stop(paste0("httr::HEAD( '", url, "' )\nfailed after ", initial.attempts, " attempts"))
[[7]] .handleSimpleError(function (e) { print(sessionInfo()) if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e)) message(memory_note) else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e)) message(parameter_note) else if (grepl("to install", e)) message(installation_note) else { message(unknown_error_note) print(sys.calls()) } }, "httr::HEAD( '' )\nfailed after 3 attempts", base::quote(httr_filesize(this_url, attempts, sleepsec)))
[[8]] h(simpleError(msg, call))
Error in httr_filesize(this_url, attempts, sleepsec) : httr::HEAD( '' ) failed after 3 attempts year full_url 1 2019 2 2013 output_folder long_file all_file 1 C:/Users/Juciano Rodrigues/Documents/PNS/ 2019 long questionnaire survey.rds 2019 all questionnaire survey.rds 2 C:/Users/Juciano Rodrigues/Documents/PNS/ 2013 long questionnaire survey.rds 2013 all questionnaire survey.rds long_design all_design case_count 1 2019 long questionnaire survey design.rds 2019 all questionnaire survey design.rds NA 2 2013 long questionnaire survey design.rds 2013 all questionnaire survey design.rds NA
are you able to submit a pull request that fixes the problem? thanks!
hi! apologies for the long delay. i've made a couple of big updates to that hopefully make the website a bit better, but i've decided to stop maintaining the lodown package so probably won't fix the bug you've reported. the new asdfree does have pns data, but only for the most current year. thanks