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pisa catalog maker failing

Open ajdamico opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

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> source( lodown::syntaxtractor( "pisa" , replacements = list( c( "C:/My Direc$

> library(lodown)

> lodown( "pisa" , output_dir = "C:UsersAnthonyDAppDataLocalTemp9Rtmpo7LUCr/PISA
" )
building catalog for pisa

locally downloading pisa

Downloading from URL
to file

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 414921902 bytes (395.7 MB)
downloaded 395.7 MB

pisa catalog entry 1 of 33 stored in 'C:UsersAnthonyDAppDataLocalTemp9Rtmpo7LUCr

Downloading from URL
to file

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 3700290 bytes (3.5 MB)
downloaded 3.5 MB

pisa catalog entry 2 of 33 stored in 'C:UsersAnthonyDAppDataLocalTemp9Rtmpo7LUCr

Downloading from URL
to file

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 9604804 bytes (9.2 MB)
downloaded 9.2 MB

pisa catalog entry 3 of 33 stored in 'C:UsersAnthonyDAppDataLocalTemp9Rtmpo7LUCr

Downloading from URL
to file

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 196878270 bytes (187.8 MB)
downloaded 187.8 MB

pisa catalog entry 4 of 33 stored in 'C:UsersAnthonyDAppDataLocalTemp9Rtmpo7LUCr

Downloading from URL
to file

trying URL ''
download issue with

trying URL ''
download issue with

trying URL ''
download issue with

lodown is now exiting unexpectedly.
websites that host publicly-downloadable microdata change often and sometimes th
ose changes cause this software to break.
if the error call stack below appears to be a hiccup in your internet connection
, then please verify your connectivity and retry the download.
otherwise, please open a new issue at `
` with the contents of this error call stack and also the output of your `sessio

source(lodown::syntaxtractor("pisa", replacements = list(c("C:/My Directory",
	tempdir())), setup_test = "setup"), echo = TRUE)

withVisible(eval(ei, envir))

eval(ei, envir)

eval(expr, envir, enclos)

lodown("pisa", output_dir = "C:UsersAnthonyDAppDataLocalTemp9Rtmpo7LUCr/PISA")

withCallingHandlers(catalog <- load_fun(data_name = data_name,
	catalog, ...), error = function(e) {
	if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e))
	else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e))
	else if (grepl("to install", e))
	else {

load_fun(data_name = data_name, catalog, ...)

cachaca(catalog[i, "full_url"], tf, mode = "wb")

stop(paste("download failed after", initial.attempts, "attempts"))

.handleSimpleError(function (e)
	if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e))
	else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e))
	else if (grepl("to install", e))
	else {
}, "download failed after 3 attempts", quote(cachaca(catalog[i,
	"full_url"], tf, mode = "wb")))

h(simpleError(msg, call))

Error in cachaca(catalog[i, "full_url"], tf, mode = "wb") :
  download failed after 3 attempts
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In (function (url, destfile, method, quiet = FALSE, mode = "w",  :
  cannot open URL '
.zip': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
2: In (function (url, destfile, method, quiet = FALSE, mode = "w",  :
  cannot open URL '
.zip': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
3: In (function (url, destfile, method, quiet = FALSE, mode = "w",  :
  cannot open URL '
.zip': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
> source( lodown::syntaxtractor( "pisa" , replacements = list( c( "C:/My Direc$

ajdamico avatar Apr 19 '17 15:04 ajdamico new error, same problem (fresh from brew on mac R: libarchive 3.3.3 )?:

  archive_read_data_block(): Unsupported ZIP compression method (deflation-64-bit)

Low priority for me as I was just trying out asdfree but PISA appears stuck for now as it is using an unsupported format of zip for R's archive/libarchive.

Heh – I just followed your exact google trail via Stackoverflow, assuming 7z was the right answer and it looks like you unfortunately moved away from that most recently.:

lodown("pisa", output_dir = file.path(path.expand("~"), "PISA"))

withCallingHandlers(catalog <- load_fun(data_name = data_name, 
    catalog, ...), error = function(e) {
    if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e)) 
    else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e)) 
    else if (grepl("to install", e)) 
    else {

load_fun(data_name = data_name, catalog, ...)

archive::archive_extract(tf, dir = paste0(tempdir(), "/unzips"))

archive_extract_(attr(archive, "path"), file)

[[6]]stop(list(message = "archive_read_data_block(): Unsupported ZIP compression method (deflation-64-bit)"...

(function (e) 
    if (grepl("cannot allocate vector of size", e)) 
    else if (grepl("parameter must be specified", e))...

thadk avatar Mar 13 '19 10:03 thadk

hi! apologies for the long delay. i've made a couple of big updates to that hopefully make the website a bit better, but i've decided to stop maintaining the lodown package so probably won't fix the bug you've reported. the new asdfree doesn't have pisa data yet, but it's on my to-do list. thanks

ajdamico avatar Jan 09 '24 02:01 ajdamico