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Courses for Robotics
There is a lot of ~~hidden~~ treasure lying scattered across the internet. This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome online video courses related to robotics.
Table of Contents
- Basics of Robots
- Linear Algebra
- Optimization
- Signals and System
- Digital Signal Processing
- Controls
- Machine Learning
- Hybrid Courses (ML + Control)
- Motion Planning
- Probability
- Miscellaneous
Basics of Robotics
- Introduction to Robotics by Prof. Oussama Khatib, Stanford
- Programming for Robotics (ROS) by Prof. Marco Hutter, ETH Zurich
- Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems by Prof. Stephen Boyd, Stanford University
- Advanced Robotics, Fall 2013 by Prof. Pieter Abbeel, UCB
Linear Algebra
- Advanced Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra for Engineers by Prof. R. Vittal Rao, IISc
- Linear Algebra by Prof. Gilbert Strang, MIT
- Linear Algebra by Prof. Lorenzo Sadun, UT Austin
- youtube playlist
- They way he solved wave equations is simple and amazing. Probably, best in the world!
- Numerical Optimization by Prof. Shirish K. Shevade, IISc
- Convex Optimization: Fall 2018 by Dr. Ryan Tibshirani, CMU
- course webpage (conatins slides, notes, videos etc...)
- youtube playlist
- Advanced Optimization and Randomized Methods by Alex Smola and Suvrit Sra, CMU
- course webpage (conatins slides, notes, videos etc...)
- youtube playlist
- Optimization: Fall 2012 by Geoff Gordon and Ryan Tibshirani, CMU
- course webpage (conatins slides, notes, videos etc...)
- youtube playlist
- Convex Optimization I by Prof. Stephen Boyd, Stanford University
- course webpage (conatins slides, notes, videos etc...)
- youtube playlist
- book
- slides
- Convex Optimization II by Prof. Stephen Boyd, Stanford University
- course webpage (conatins slides, notes, videos etc...)
- youtube playlist
- book
- slides
- Monte Carlo Methods and Stochastic Optimization by Verena Kaynig-Fittkau and Pavlos Protopapas, Harvard
- Optimization Algorithms by Constantine Caramanis, UT Austin
Signals and System
- Signals and Systems, Fall 2011 by Prof. Dennis Freeman, MIT
- course webpage (conatins slides, notes, videos etc...)
- youtube playlist
- slides
- Signals and Systems, 2012 by Prof. S.C. Dutta Roy, IIT Delhi
- Signals and Systems, 1987 by Prof. Alan V. Oppenheim, MIT
- Signal Processing by Prof. Barry Van Veen, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Other References
Digital Signal Processing
- DSP by Paolo Prandoni and Prof. Martin Vetterli, EPFL (Coursera)
- DSP, 2014 by Prof. S.C. Dutta Roy, IIT Delhi
- DSP, 1987 by Prof. Alan V. Oppenheim, MIT
- DSP by Rich Radke, RPI
- Digital Image Processing by Rich Radke, RPI
- Compressed Sensing and Sparse Signal Processing by IISc Prof. Chandra R. Murthy
- course webpage
- videos
- Follows, "A Mathematical Introduction to Compressive Sensing" by Foucart Simon.
Andrew Reader Medical Image Reconstruction
Tsinghua Course on Sparse Approximation
- Control Bootcamp by Prof. Steve Brunton, UW
- Classical Control Theory by Brian Douglas
- Control Systems Engineering by Benjamin Drew
- Nonlinear Controls by Prof. Slotine, MIT
- Numerical Methods for Optimal Control by Prof. Sebastien Gross, NTNU
- Optimal and Robust Control by CTU in Prague
- State Space Control by Dr. Jake Abbott, Univ. of Utah
Machine Learning
- Learning from Data by Prof. Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Caltech
- course webpage (conatins slides, notes, videos etc...)
- youtube playlist
- slides
- Deep Learning by Lex Fridman, MIT
- Statistical Learning by prof. Trevor Hastie and prof. Rob Tibshirani, Stanford
- Artificial Intelligence by Prof. Patrick Winston, MIT
- Machine Learning by Prof. Andrew Ng, Stanford
- Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, Fall 2016 by Prof. John Guttag, MIT
- Probabilistic Graphical Models by Chris Bishop, Microsoft Research Cambridge
- Machine Learning and Nonparametric Bayesian Statistics by prof. Zoubin Ghahraman, University of Cambridge
- Reinforcement Learning by David Silver, UCL
Hybrid Courses (ML + Control)
- Data-Driven Science and Engineering by Prof. Steve Brunton, UW
- Underactuated Robotics by Prof. Russ Tedrake, MIT
Motion Planning
- Robotic Motion Planning by Prof. Howie Choset
- SLAM by Prof. Cyrill Stachniss Univ. of Freiburg
- Probability by Joe Blitstein, Harvard
- Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability by Prof. John Tsitsiklis & Prof. Patrick Jaillet, MIT
- Nonlinear Dynamics by Prof. Steven Strogatz, Conrell
- Koopman Analysis by Prof. Steve Brunton, UW
- Motion Control by Rajesh Rajamani, Univ. of Minnesota
- Fundamentals of Computing Specialization by Rice University
- C++ by Udacity
- Data Structures and Algorithms by Udacity
- C++ Design Patterns by Dmitri Nesteruk
- Intermediate Software Design by Prof. Douglas C. Schmidt, Vanderbilt Univeristy
- Angrave's crowd-sourced System Programming wiki-book! This wiki was actively built and maintained 2014-2018 by students and faculty from the University of Illinois
- Embedding Sensors and Motors Specialization by Prof. James Zweighaft and Prof. Jay Mendelson, UCB
- Real Analysis by DTU