AGTypewriterLabel icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AGTypewriterLabel copied to clipboard

Simple UILabel that displays text character by character as it would be typed by a typewriter

AGTypewriterLabel Language

AGTypewriterLabel is a UI Label that can animate the display of it's text character by character. How fast it goes and when it pauses is completely up to you! It's perfect for use in games, instructional manuals, and anywhere else you can see fit!



  1. Copy and paste AGTypewriterLabel.swift to your xcode project.


  1. Install the latest release of CocoaPods: gem install cocoapods
  2. Add this line to your Podfile: pod 'AGTypewriterLabel'
  3. Install the pod: pod install


**1.**Change the class of a label from UILabel to AGTypewriterLabel in storyboard and create an outlet in your code.

2. Use the addAnimation or addAnimations to add animations to the label.

There are currently two types of animations supported: .text(string: String, interval: TimeInterval) (where the interval parameter determines the time between each character being displayed) and .pause(length: TimeInterval)

3. Call AGTypewriterLabel.startAnimation() to start the animation! Call AGTypewriterLabel.clearAnimations() to remove animations if needed.

**4. Optional: Implement AGTypewriterLabelDelegate and set your label's delegate to know when the label is done animating

Sample Code

class StoryViewController: UIViewController, AGTypewriterLabelDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var typingLabel: AGTypewriterLabel!

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        typingLabel.delegate = self

        typingLabel.addAnimation(.text(string: "Hello...", interval: 0.2))
        typingLabel.addAnimation(.pause(length: 1.0))
        typingLabel.addAnimation(.text(string: "World", interval: 0.1))
        typingLabel.addAnimation(.pause(length: 1.0))
        typingLabel.addAnimation(.text(string: "?", interval: 0))

    func didFinishAnimating(label: AGTypewriterLabel) {
        // Do Something