TagUI copied to clipboard
Keyboard Paste automatically trim all the contents beginning space
I've been using TagUI to do copy and pasting of website contents that contain tables of data. I would eventually copy this data into an Excel spreadsheet.
I find sometimes the table data will have a space at the beginning of the cell, and in order for the formulas to work I need to do a find [space] and replace with empty using TagUI.
I'm wondering if a new update can include this new feature, before pasting Keyboard [cmd]v the data in the clipboard is already trim() of the extra spaces in the beginning of the cells.
Example 600.00 50000
After paste 600.00 50000
For people who are using TagUI I believe this will be a welcome feature.
is possible to share the code ?
click secondmarker.png
wait 3
click secondmarker.png
//wait 2
wait 2
keyboard [down]
//temp = []
//temp = clipboard()
clipboard() = del_chars(clipboard(), ' ')
keyboard [cmd]v
i just introduced clipboard() = del_chars(clipboard(), ' ') but there is an error now
wait 2 keyboard [down] ERROR - left side of assignment is not a reference.
but i think i need to keep the "contents" inside the [cmd]c which i assume is clipboard() how to modify the code to keep the "contents" but remove the spaces in the contents?
example of contents could be
[[ 500, 600],[ 700, 800]] i need [[500,600],[700,800]] due to need to paste inside an XLSX file sheet for the formulas to work
type //*[@id="myInput"] as [clear]500, 600
click //*[@id="main"]/div[3]/button
text_contents = clipboard()
echo `text_contents`
echo Removing spaces . . .
re = /\s/g
new_text = text_contents.replace(re,'')
echo `new_text`
type //*[@id="myInput"] as [clear]`new_text `
echo Done !
Hi @lookang you can also use the del_chars() helper function, like this:
text = ' 500'
newText = del_chars(text, ' ')
echo `newText`
Closing but please ping back if this is still relevant or an issue.