activerecord-sortable copied to clipboard
gem activerecord-sortable allows you easily integrate jquery ui sortable with your models
ActiveAdmin::DatabaseHitDuringLoad: Your file, app/app/models/publication_site.rb (line 22), caused a database error while Active Admin was loading. This is most common when your database is missing or doesn't have the latest migrations...
Getting that error when using `config[:append] = true` Temporary fixed it with `next_position = (max_position = sortable_relation.pluck(sortable_position_column)**.map(&:to_i)**.max).present? ? max_position + 1 : 0` in `sortable_append_instance` method The problem is that...
`$('*[data-role=activerecord_sortable]')` node may have `start-position` data-attribute (`...`) in this case first element position will be equal to data-attribute value. If `start-position` not set, then first child node data-attribute `position` will...