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Global road-map to a full featured frontend
In addition to the current #14 Steps to V1, I propose a global road-map with all targeted features. This will allow us to know who is working on what, and discuss on some global ideas. If it comes to discuss on a specific topic, we will need to open a dedicated issue.
My (our ?) philosophy is to release when it's ready, as a quality app, not a buggy app !
List of existing features that we need to keep :
[ ] Global frames / Design [This will be a constant discussion] [assigned @jooola]
[ ] Login page with server choice (either local server or external?)
[ ] Forgotten password
[x] Translation system [assigned @jooola]
[ ] Auth system + roles guard (See #54) [assigned @jooola]
[ ] Error handling
[ ] User settings (Profile) [assigned @jooola]
- [ ] Avatar (Gravatar ? No ugly icons please ^^) [assigned @jooola]
- [ ] Last.FM (should this be frontend related of backend ?)
[ ] Administration settings [assigned @CharlesSchaack && @jooola]
- [ ] Media folders
- [ ] Advanced
- [ ] Users [assigned @CharlesSchaack]
- [ ] Players
- [ ] Transcoding
- [ ] Podcasts
- [ ] Sharing
- [ ] TV & Radio
- [ ] Theming
- [ ] DLNA/UPnP
- [ ] Sonos
- [ ] Advanced monitoring
- [ ] Last.FM global settings
[x] Audio player
[ ] Play queue and all related functionnalities
[ ] Video player
[x] Search
[ ] Advanced search
[ ] Music folders selector
[ ] Podcasts
[ ] Podcasts RSS playlists feed (/podcast.view?suffix=.rss)
[ ] Playlists
[ ] Internet TV
[ ] Internet Radio
[ ] Download utility
[ ] Upload utility
[ ] Display utilities : List view / Album cover view toggler
[ ] Drag and drop utility
[ ] Monitoring (for all users ?)
[ ] About page
- [ ] Contributors cloud ^^ Yayyy
[ ] Tooltips for help
[ ] Starring
[ ] Rating
[ ] Dedicated shuffle play play lists creator
[ ] Keyboard shortcuts
If I missed something please let me know on the community channels please, (lets try to keep this issue as clean as possible).
If you want to contribute some code please contact us, so we can assign you on a feature !
- Each features has to pass the karma tests
- We will try to stay as close as possible from latest updates ( angular/boostrap ) while we are in experimental.
- The translations targets can be translated @ transifex
Technologies : Angular / Boostrap / Boostrap-ng / Material icons
Happy coding :tada:
Looks good! I think what would help with discussions about the ui would be examples that contributors think worked well or even not so well.