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Cant create APK file

Open Gokulv617 opened this issue 2 years ago • 19 comments


I am using 33.1.620 SDK why this issue occurs?

Gokulv617 avatar Apr 08 '22 07:04 Gokulv617

Because Android updated the androidx support libraries so they're no longer compatible with AAPT.

So you'll need to update your set-up to make use of the new Gradle-based build mechanism:

  1. Install Android Studio, and use this to install an Android SDK and build tools
  2. Ensure your application descriptor namespace is 33.1, and doesn't include a tag BuildLegacyAPK

If it still doesn't work, please use the configuration file from the SDK "lib" folder, adt.cfg, and set up the paths for the Android platform SDK (i.e. the Android SDK, which is probably in c:\users\gokul\appdata\local\android\sdk) and for JAVA_HOME (which needs a JDK v11+, so e.g. c:\program files\android\android studio\jre). Note though, you'll need to use double-backslash \\ or forwardslash / characters in the config file, as it's read by Java..


ajwfrost avatar Apr 08 '22 08:04 ajwfrost

Nothing changed everything i tried .What to do now I am using 33.1.620 SDK Android studio version 2021.1.1 Patch 3


Gokulv617 avatar Apr 22 '22 11:04 Gokulv617


I have same problem. I tried everything related with #1782 .

Here what i have done: Downloaded new air sdk - AIR_SDK_33.1.1.821 (i have license) Changed the adt jar - related with #1762 Installed Android Studio, android sdk and build tools I set following paths inside the adt.cfg: AndroidPlatformSDK=C:\\Users\\kk\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk JAVA_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Android\\Android Studio\\jre

Downloaded updated releases of distriqt ANEs @marchbold


I set following line inside app description. <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="30" />

I checked app description and there isn't this <BuildLegacyAPK></BuildLegacyAPK>

Finally i am trying to build apk via FlashBuilder. But it throws following errors:

aapt tool failed:
C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\e410f53a-37dc-45be-9a57-612bac7bd896\savedstate-1.1.0-res\values\values.xml:3: error: Found tag id where item is expected
C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\e410f53a-37dc-45be-9a57-612bac7bd896\lifecycle-viewmodel-2.4.1-res\values\values.xml:3: error: Found tag id where item is expected
C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\e410f53a-37dc-45be-9a57-612bac7bd896\lifecycle-runtime-2.4.1-res\values\values.xml:3: error: Found tag id where item is expected.

Here is whole adt.log:

APK Packager entry point
AAPT command line: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722\AIRSDK\lib\android\bin\aapt.exe package -z -u -J C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\7c9c1fb6-3067-4703-8d21-72c82c4df6b0 -M C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\7c9c1fb6-3067-4703-8d21-72c82c4df6b0\AndroidManifest.xml -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\7c9c1fb6-3067-4703-8d21-72c82c4df6b0\app_entry_res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\7c9c1fb6-3067-4703-8d21-72c82c4df6b0\captive_runtime_res -m --extra-packages -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\distriqt-extension-permissions-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\distriqt-extension-nativewebview-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\coordinatorlayout-1.1.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\core-1.6.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\drawerlayout-1.1.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\fragment-1.3.6-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\lifecycle-runtime-2.4.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\lifecycle-viewmodel-2.4.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\media-1.4.3-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\savedstate-1.1.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\startup-runtime-1.1.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\viewpager2-1.0.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\distriqt-extension-core-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\browser-1.3.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\distriqt-extension-share-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\core-1.10.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\distriqt-extension-application-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\distriqt-extension-networkinfo-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\distriqt-extension-ziputils-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f1cca3da-0640-4111-a45f-069a83553d7e\distriqt-extension-applicationrater-res --auto-add-overlay -I C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722\AIRSDK\lib\android\lib\resources\android-res.jar --no-version-vectors --min-sdk-version 14 --target-sdk-version 31 --version-code 1000096 --version-name 1.0.96 -F C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\7c9c1fb6-3067-4703-8d21-72c82c4df6b0\resources.apk Source)<init>($
Stack trace:

After that i tried compile the app (APK) via command line. I got no errors. the app successfully compiled. But when i tried the install to phone the app not opening. And then i tried compile the app (AAB) via command line and export apk from it.

bundletool.jar build-apks --bundle=app.aab --output=app.apks --mode=universal --ks=android-upload.jks --ks-key-alias=upload --ks-pass=pass:pass 

But result is same.

Am i missing something?

ghost avatar Apr 27 '22 13:04 ghost

I realized some ANE's manifest additions is changed. I am updating my manifest file.

Update: i am still having the issue. Also i tried apm but no luck.

ghost avatar Apr 27 '22 13:04 ghost

Could you post the log from the device when you managed to install the packaged apk? Likely there is something amiss in your manifest or your are missing a dependency extension.

marchbold avatar Apr 28 '22 01:04 marchbold

For the Flash Builder issue.. can you also please check the application descriptor has got the "33.1" namespace at the top of the file? and is that really the whole adt.log file, as I thought we would trace out the decision on whether to use the legacy or gradle based build? (The issue is that it's using the legacy mechanism - aapt - which the latest Android compatibility libraries no longer support)

ajwfrost avatar Apr 28 '22 05:04 ajwfrost

Thanks for answers.

@marchbold Actually i used apm to install ane to project. But now, i cleared project and apm files. And i rebuilt everything again. I was able to build successfully via command line. (aab and apk). I tried on device without no problem.

@ajwfrost Yes, the application descriptor has got the "33.1". And yes it was whole adt.log file. I tried again in Flash Builder after i was able to build successfully via command line. But it didn't help. I share log files. Maybe it helps.

-target aab log:

*** ADT Logging at 2022/04/28 10:07:41 ***
Called by: C:\kk\airsdk33.8\lib\adt.jar
ADT called with: -package -target aab ...
Version in APK =, version of ADT =
Version in APK =, version of ADT =
Version in APK =, version of ADT =
Version in APK =, version of ADT =
Gradle build where ADT is using JRE version 11.0.13
but where Gradle will be using the JDK from C:/kk/jdk-11.0.13\bin\java.exe
Gradle build command:  C:/kk/jdk-11.0.13\bin\java.exe -Xmx1024m -Dorg.gradle.appname=gradlew -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m -Duser.dir="C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f5c909a2-08d7-44e1-9471-ab07ecca11e8" -cp "C:\kk\airsdk33.8\lib\android\bin\gradle-wrapper.jar";"C:\kk\airsdk33.8\lib\android\bin\gradle-cli.jar" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain :app:bundleRelease
AAB signer command:  C:\kk\jdk-11.0.13\bin\jarsigner.exe -storetype jks -keystore C:\kk\android-upload.jks -storepass xxxx -keypass xxxx C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\f5c909a2-08d7-44e1-9471-ab07ecca11e8/app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab upload

-target apk-captive-runtime log:

*** ADT Logging at 2022/04/28 10:31:55 ***
Called by: C:\kk\airsdk33.8\lib\adt.jar
ADT called with: -package -target apk-captive-runtime -arch armv8 ...
Target requested was apk-captive-runtime, but not using legacy APK so building via Android Studio
Setting architecture to: armv8
Version in APK =, version of ADT =
Version in APK =, version of ADT =
Version in APK =, version of ADT =
Version in APK =, version of ADT =
Gradle build where ADT is using JRE version 11.0.13
but where Gradle will be using the JDK from C:/kk/jdk-11.0.13\bin\java.exe
Gradle build command:  C:/kk/jdk-11.0.13\bin\java.exe -Xmx1024m -Dorg.gradle.appname=gradlew -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m -Duser.dir="C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\58d25c40-5d8a-4bee-b3ca-0b8df3f3e9ec" -cp "C:\kk\airsdk33.8\lib\android\bin\gradle-wrapper.jar";"C:\kk\airsdk33.8\lib\android\bin\gradle-cli.jar" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain :app:assembleRelease

flash builder adt.log:

*** ADT Logging at 2022/04/28 10:29:17 ***
Called by: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722\AIRSDK\lib\adt.jar
APK Packager entry point
AAPT command line: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722\AIRSDK\lib\android\bin\aapt.exe package -z -u -J C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8f0334d2-b09d-4b54-9788-ce7e0b501287 -M C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8f0334d2-b09d-4b54-9788-ce7e0b501287\AndroidManifest.xml -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8f0334d2-b09d-4b54-9788-ce7e0b501287\app_entry_res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8f0334d2-b09d-4b54-9788-ce7e0b501287\captive_runtime_res -m --extra-packages -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\distriqt-extension-permissions-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\distriqt-extension-nativewebview-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\coordinatorlayout-1.1.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\core-1.6.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\drawerlayout-1.1.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\fragment-1.3.6-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\lifecycle-runtime-2.4.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\lifecycle-viewmodel-2.4.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\media-1.4.3-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\savedstate-1.1.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\startup-runtime-1.1.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\viewpager2-1.0.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\distriqt-extension-core-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\browser-1.3.0-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\distriqt-extension-share-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\core-1.10.1-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\distriqt-extension-application-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\distriqt-extension-networkinfo-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\distriqt-extension-ziputils-res -S C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8c1eb980-b807-468b-9b3d-605ca69bc1e0\distriqt-extension-applicationrater-res --auto-add-overlay -I C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722\AIRSDK\lib\android\lib\resources\android-res.jar --no-version-vectors --min-sdk-version 14 --target-sdk-version 31 --version-code 1001010 --version-name 1.1.10 -F C:\Users\kk\AppData\Local\Temp\8f0334d2-b09d-4b54-9788-ce7e0b501287\resources.apk Source)<init>($
Stack trace:

ghost avatar Apr 28 '22 08:04 ghost

Okay thanks - so it seems that Flash Builder is again just using some of the internal functionality of the ADT tool ... if it's directly creating the APKPackager class, then it's not going to work with the new Android packages because of that AAPT issue.

So I think Flash Builder really should be replaced ...!

When you use the command line it correctly works out you want to use the Android/Gradle tool for building, the difference then is just for aab target ("bundleRelease") vs apk target ("assembleRelease") at the end of the gradle build command.

Once you've used the command-line and installed the application, can you use logcat to find out what's happening on the device when you try to run it?


ajwfrost avatar Apr 28 '22 08:04 ajwfrost

@ajwfrost Maybe I expressed myself wrong. After clean build aab or apk worked on my device without problem. Now there isn't problem. My app is working now. It was easy and fast to use Flash Builder for debug. But you right flash builder sould be replaced.

Thanks for your helps

ghost avatar Apr 28 '22 14:04 ghost

Ah okay, thanks for confirming! I think this is just a restriction that we'll need to live with given that Flash Builder isn't being updated and is obviously hard-coded internally to use the old mechanism. The only thing we could perhaps do is to rename some classes internally so that it thinks it's using the original APKPackager but instead is using a different class that would work out how best to do the packaging ... but I'm a little hesitant to spend much effort here when we're trying to encourage people to stop using Flash Builder!


ajwfrost avatar Apr 28 '22 15:04 ajwfrost

i am completely agree with you.


ghost avatar Apr 29 '22 10:04 ghost

Hello I have the same problem and I can not solve it. Anything else I can do? I can't find what was the solution @kxkkk


Diegotero31 avatar May 10 '22 15:05 Diegotero31

@Diegotero31 to check on the problem here -> do you see the "aapt tool" errors per the original post at the top of this thread? If so, it's because of the changes Android have made to their support libraries which AAPT no longer supports. You'd need to switch to using the new Gradle build mechanism for APK (or AAB) in order to solve this.

If you're using Flash Builder though - the solution there is to not use Flash Builder. It short-cuts the ADT configuration, and doesn't support the new build mechanism, so can't be used for the latest Android support libraries. The solution here is to work out what Flash Builder is allegedly trying to do, and then to do that from the command line. I think somewhere in Flash Builder you may even be able to see the "command line" (although this isn't actually what Flash Builder then uses, which is a bit confusing...)


ajwfrost avatar May 10 '22 17:05 ajwfrost

Thanks @ajwfrost for your prompt response, but the problem started to appear when I added the NativeWebView.ane extension. Before incorporating it, I could compile as apk and as aab without problems.

Diegotero31 avatar May 10 '22 17:05 Diegotero31

Yes, which implies that this extension is what is using one of the Androidx support libraries that AAPT doesn't support.. there's no problem with normal AIR apps using the old APK build mechanism, it's just when an ANE is dependent on these androidx.* libraries...

I would guess though, you should still be able to build an AAB file even with that extension?

ajwfrost avatar May 10 '22 17:05 ajwfrost

@ajwfrost What idle do you recommend that I can migrate from flash builder?

Diegotero31 avatar May 10 '22 17:05 Diegotero31

Hi, i would recommend to you use apm to install ane to application. Also all distriqt anes are updated to new build mechanism. If you want to use updated NativeWebView.ane, you should update airsdk to latest and compile app via command line. @marchbold explained that "Anyone using the legacy build method will need to continue using the older version of our extensions, (prior to February 2022)."

Please read this conversation: #1782

ghost avatar May 11 '22 08:05 ghost

In terms of IDEs, there are a number still available that are being maintained, it's person choice what people want to use! Cross-platform there are paid things like IntelliJ IDEA, or free things like Moonshine or VS Code with the as3/mxml extension.. Depends what you most prefer.

I'm not 100% sure whether apm can also generate some of the necessary project files for these... but was also thinking it would be a good feature to add an "import Flash Builder project" option into Moonshine...!


ajwfrost avatar May 11 '22 09:05 ajwfrost

This is on the list of "TODO"s for apm, i.e. generating project files. I've done some initial investigation into it and believe we should be able to do this, just need to iron out the formats and whether it's easy enough to modify an existing project or if we will only do the initial creation.

@Diegotero31 In terms of IDEs we highly recommend IntelliJ, but we also regularly use VSCode. There are basic setup guides for these here:

marchbold avatar May 11 '22 23:05 marchbold