e2e-data-engineering copied to clipboard
Exception has occurred: AirflowConfigException
Exception has occurred: AirflowConfigException
Cannot use relative path: sqlite:///C:\Users\User_Win10x64/airflow/airflow.db
to connect to sqlite. Please use absolute path such as sqlite:////tmp/airflow.db
File "D:\Work\data-engineer\dags\kafka-stream.py", line 2, in sqlite:///C:\Users\User_Win10x64/airflow/airflow.db
to connect to sqlite. Please use absolute path such as sqlite:////tmp/airflow.db
I was able to solve this error. just got to the path where the error is coming up from in your case it will be C:\Users\User_Win10x64/airflow/ and change the airflow.cfg sql_alchemy_conn parameter as sql_alchemy_conn=sqlite:////tmp/airflow.db. Hope it helps 🤗