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Destination bigquery: Update to latest CDK

Open edgao opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments


Describe what the change is solving It helps to add screenshots if it affects the frontend.


Describe the solution

Recommended reading order

  2. y.python

🚨 User Impact 🚨

Are there any breaking changes? What is the end result perceived by the user?

For connector PRs, use this section to explain which type of semantic versioning bump occurs as a result of the changes. Refer to our Semantic Versioning for Connectors guidelines for more information. Breaking changes to connectors must be documented by an Airbyte engineer (PR author, or reviewer for community PRs) by using the Breaking Change Release Playbook.

If there are breaking changes, please merge this PR with the 🚨🚨 emoji so changelog authors can further highlight this if needed.

Pre-merge Actions

Expand the relevant checklist and delete the others.

New Connector

Community member or Airbyter

  • Community member? Grant edit access to maintainers (instructions)
  • Unit & integration tests added and passing. Community members, please provide proof of success locally e.g: screenshot or copy-paste unit, integration, and acceptance test output. To run acceptance tests for a Python connector, follow instructions in the README. For java connectors run ./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:<name>:integrationTest.
  • Connector version is set to 0.0.1
    • Dockerfile has version 0.0.1
  • Documentation updated
    • Connector's
    • Connector's See description and examples
    • docs/integrations/<source or destination>/<name>.md including changelog with an entry for the initial version. See changelog example
    • docs/integrations/


If this is a community PR, the Airbyte engineer reviewing this PR is responsible for the below items.

  • Create a non-forked branch based on this PR and test the below items on it
  • Build is successful
  • If new credentials are required for use in CI, add them to GSM. Instructions.
Updating a connector

Community member or Airbyter

  • Grant edit access to maintainers (instructions)
  • Unit & integration tests added


If this is a community PR, the Airbyte engineer reviewing this PR is responsible for the below items.

  • Create a non-forked branch based on this PR and test the below items on it
  • Build is successful
  • If new credentials are required for use in CI, add them to GSM. Instructions.
Connector Generator
  • Issue acceptance criteria met
  • PR name follows PR naming conventions
  • If adding a new generator, add it to the list of scaffold modules being tested
  • The generator test modules (all connectors with -scaffold in their name) have been updated with the latest scaffold by running ./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connector-templates:generator:generateScaffolds then checking in your changes
  • Documentation which references the generator is updated as needed
Updating the Python CDK


Before merging:

  • Pull Request description explains what problem it is solving
  • Code change is unit tested
  • Build and my-py check pass
  • Smoke test the change on at least one affected connector
    • On Github: Run this workflow, passing --use-local-cdk --name=source-<connector> as options
    • Locally: airbyte-ci connectors --use-local-cdk --name=source-<connector> test
  • PR is reviewed and approved

After merging:

  • Publish the CDK
    • The CDK does not follow proper semantic versioning. Choose minor if this the change has significant user impact or is a breaking change. Choose patch otherwise.
    • Write a thoughtful changelog message so we know what was updated.
  • Merge the platform PR that was auto-created for updating the Connector Builder's CDK version
    • This step is optional if the change does not affect the connector builder or declarative connectors.

edgao avatar Jan 29 '24 16:01 edgao

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Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
airbyte-docs ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback May 7, 2024 9:18pm

vercel[bot] avatar Jan 29 '24 16:01 vercel[bot]

  • #34611 Graphite 👈
  • #36935 Graphite: 5 other dependent PRs (#34612 Graphite, #34613 Graphite, #36936 Graphite and 2 others)
  • #36929 Graphite
  • #36926 Graphite
  • master

This stack of pull requests is managed by Graphite. Learn more about stacking.

Join @edgao and the rest of your teammates on Graphite Graphite

edgao avatar Jan 29 '24 16:01 edgao

Before Merging a Connector Pull Request

Wow! What a great pull request you have here! 🎉

To merge this PR, ensure the following has been done/considered for each connector added or updated:

  • [ ] PR name follows PR naming conventions
  • [ ] Breaking changes are considered. If a Breaking Change is being introduced, ensure an Airbyte engineer has created a Breaking Change Plan.
  • [ ] Connector version has been incremented in the Dockerfile and metadata.yaml according to our Semantic Versioning for Connectors guidelines
  • [ ] You've updated the connector's metadata.yaml file any other relevant changes, including a breakingChanges entry for major version bumps. See metadata.yaml docs
  • [ ] Secrets in the connector's spec are annotated with airbyte_secret
  • [ ] All documentation files are up to date. (,,, etc...)
  • [ ] Changelog updated in docs/integrations/<source or destination>/<name>.md with an entry for the new version. See changelog example
  • [ ] Migration guide updated in docs/integrations/<source or destination>/<name> with an entry for the new version, if the version is a breaking change. See migration guide example
  • [ ] If set, you've ensured the icon is present in the platform-internal repo. (Docs)

If the checklist is complete, but the CI check is failing,

  1. Check for hidden checklists in your PR description

  2. Toggle the github label checklist-action-run on/off to re-run the checklist CI.

github-actions[bot] avatar Jan 29 '24 16:01 github-actions[bot]