airbyte copied to clipboard
Normalization: handle nested objects correctly
We're currently not prioritizing objects/arrays correctly in some cases. E.g. v0 schema:
{"type": ["string", "object"], "properties": {}}
which becomes v1 schema:
"oneOf": [
{"$ref": "....String"},
{"type": "object", "properties": {}}
is being interpreted as a string, rather than object.
/test connector=bases/base-normalization
:clock2: bases/base-normalization :x: bases/base-normalization :bug:
Build Failed
Test summary info:
Could not find result summary
/test connector=connectors/destination-snowflake
:clock2: connectors/destination-snowflake
Affected Connector Report
NOTE ⚠️ Changes in this PR affect the following connectors. Make sure to do the following as needed:
- Run integration tests
- Bump connector or module version
- Add changelog
- Publish the new version
✅ Sources (0)
Connector | Version | Changelog | Publish |
- See "Actionable Items" below for how to resolve warnings and errors.
❌ Destinations (48)
Connector | Version | Changelog | Publish |
destination-aws-datalake |
0.1.1 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-azure-blob-storage |
0.1.6 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-bigquery |
1.2.13 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-bigquery-denormalized |
1.2.12 |
✅ | ❌ (diff seed version) |
destination-cassandra |
0.1.4 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-clickhouse |
0.2.2 |
❌ (changelog missing) |
✅ |
destination-clickhouse-strict-encrypt |
0.2.2 |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-csv |
1.0.0 |
❌ (changelog missing) |
✅ |
destination-databricks |
0.3.1 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-dev-null |
0.2.7 |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-doris |
0.1.0 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-dynamodb |
0.1.7 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-e2e-test |
0.2.4 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-elasticsearch |
0.1.6 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-elasticsearch-strict-encrypt |
0.1.6 |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-gcs |
0.2.14 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-iceberg |
0.1.0 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-jdbc |
0.3.14 |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-kafka |
0.1.10 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-keen |
0.2.4 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-kinesis |
0.1.5 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-local-json |
0.2.11 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-mariadb-columnstore |
0.1.7 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-mongodb |
0.1.9 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-mongodb-strict-encrypt |
0.1.9 |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-mqtt |
0.1.3 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-mssql |
0.1.22 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-mssql-strict-encrypt |
0.1.22 |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-mysql |
0.1.20 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-mysql-strict-encrypt |
❌ 0.1.21 (mismatch: 0.1.20 ) |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-oracle |
0.1.19 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-oracle-strict-encrypt |
0.1.19 |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-postgres |
0.3.26 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-postgres-strict-encrypt |
0.3.26 |
🔵 (ignored) |
🔵 (ignored) |
destination-pubsub |
0.2.0 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-pulsar |
0.1.3 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-r2 |
0.1.0 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-redis |
0.1.4 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-redpanda |
0.1.0 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-redshift |
0.3.56 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-rockset |
0.1.4 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-s3 |
0.3.19 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-s3-glue |
0.1.1 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-scylla |
0.1.3 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-snowflake |
0.4.47 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-teradata |
0.1.0 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-tidb |
0.1.0 |
✅ | ✅ |
destination-yugabytedb |
0.1.0 |
✅ | ✅ |
- See "Actionable Items" below for how to resolve warnings and errors.
👀 Other Modules (1)
- base-normalization
Actionable Items
(click to expand)
Category | Status | Actionable Item |
Version | ❌ mismatch |
The version of the connector is different from its normal variant. Please bump the version of the connector. |
⚠ doc not found |
The connector does not seem to have a documentation file. This can be normal (e.g. basic connector like source-jdbc is not published or documented). Please double-check to make sure that it is not a bug. |
Changelog | ⚠ doc not found |
The connector does not seem to have a documentation file. This can be normal (e.g. basic connector like source-jdbc is not published or documented). Please double-check to make sure that it is not a bug. |
❌ changelog missing |
There is no chnagelog for the current version of the connector. If you are the author of the current version, please add a changelog. | |
Publish | ⚠ not in seed |
The connector is not in the seed file (e.g. source_definitions.yaml ), so its publication status cannot be checked. This can be normal (e.g. some connectors are cloud-specific, and only listed in the cloud seed file). Please double-check to make sure that it is not a bug. |
❌ diff seed version |
The connector exists in the seed file, but the latest version is not listed there. This usually means that the latest version is not published. Please use the /publish command to publish the latest version. |
/test connector=connectors/destination-snowflake
:clock2: connectors/destination-snowflake :x: connectors/destination-snowflake :bug:
Build Failed
Test summary info:
Could not find result summary
/test connector=bases/base-normalization
:clock2: bases/base-normalization :x: bases/base-normalization :bug:
Build Failed
Test summary info:
=========================== short test summary info ============================
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.ORACLE does not support incremental sync with schema change yet
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.TIDB does not support incremental sync with schema change yet
SKIPPED [3] integration_tests/ ephemeral materialization isn't supported in ClickHouse yet
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ Skipping test for column limit, because in MySQL, the max number of columns is limited by row size (8KB)
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ Destinations DestinationType.CLICKHOUSE does not support nested streams
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.MSSQL is disabled as it doesnt fully support schema change in incremental yet
SKIPPED [2] integration_tests/ DestinationType.MYSQL does not support incremental yet
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.ORACLE does not support incremental yet
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ Destinations DestinationType.ORACLE does not support nested streams
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.SNOWFLAKE is disabled as it doesnt support schema change in incremental yet (column type changes)
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.TIDB is disabled as it doesnt support schema change in incremental yet (column type changes)
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT-1000]
FAILED integration_tests/[Redshift-1665-target lists can have at most 1664 entries]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.CLICKHOUSE-test_simple_streams]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT-test_simple_streams]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT-test_nested_streams]
FAILED integration_tests/
[31m============ [31m[1m9 failed[0m, [32m39 passed[0m, [33m14 skipped[0m[31m in 2826.38s (0:47:06)[0m[31m =============[0m
/test connector=bases/base-normalization
:clock2: bases/base-normalization :x: bases/base-normalization :bug:
Build Failed
Test summary info:
=========================== short test summary info ============================
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.ORACLE does not support incremental sync with schema change yet
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.TIDB does not support incremental sync with schema change yet
SKIPPED [3] integration_tests/ ephemeral materialization isn't supported in ClickHouse yet
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ Skipping test for column limit, because in MySQL, the max number of columns is limited by row size (8KB)
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ Destinations DestinationType.CLICKHOUSE does not support nested streams
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.MSSQL is disabled as it doesnt fully support schema change in incremental yet
SKIPPED [2] integration_tests/ DestinationType.MYSQL does not support incremental yet
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ Destinations DestinationType.ORACLE does not support nested streams
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.ORACLE does not support incremental yet
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.SNOWFLAKE is disabled as it doesnt support schema change in incremental yet (column type changes)
SKIPPED [1] integration_tests/ DestinationType.TIDB is disabled as it doesnt support schema change in incremental yet (column type changes)
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT-1000]
FAILED integration_tests/[Redshift-1665-target lists can have at most 1664 entries]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.CLICKHOUSE-test_simple_streams]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT-test_nested_streams]
FAILED integration_tests/[DestinationType.REDSHIFT-test_simple_streams]
FAILED integration_tests/
[31m============ [31m[1m9 failed[0m, [32m39 passed[0m, [33m14 skipped[0m[31m in 2871.11s (0:47:51)[0m[31m =============[0m
/test connector=connectors/destination-snowflake
:clock2: connectors/destination-snowflake
/test connector=connectors/destination-bigquery
:clock2: connectors/destination-bigquery
/test connector=connectors/destination-snowflake
/test connector=connectors/destination-bigquery
:clock2: connectors/destination-bigquery :white_check_mark: connectors/destination-bigquery Python tests coverage:
Name Stmts Miss Cover
normalization/transform_config/ 2 0 100%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 14 0 100%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 2 0 100%
normalization/ 14 0 100%
normalization/ 14 0 100%
normalization/ 4 0 100%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 166 8 95%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 174 34 80%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 74 17 77%
normalization/transform_config/ 189 48 75%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 22 7 68%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 155 86 45%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 61 38 38%
normalization/transform_catalog/ 626 432 31%
TOTAL 1517 670 56%
Build Passed
Test summary info:
All Passed
Tried to run tests locally, but got lots of fails :(
Don't see how I may attach full logs
:airbyte-integrations:bases:base-normalization:mypyCheck task seems to fail
@edgao I'm going though stale PRs assigned to the team - what's the status of this one?
this was for protocol v1; closing