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Simple EnergyPlus environments for control optimization using reinforcement learning

RL EnergyPlus Tests

EnergyPlus environments for Reinforcement Learning

This project implements a gym environment that handles EnergyPlus simulations for Reinforcement Learning (RL) experiments, using the EnergyPlus Python API. It also provides a set of examples and tools to train RL agents.

Requires Python 3.8+, EnergyPlus 9.3+


Using docker image

Look for a pre-built docker image in packages and follow instructions to pull it.

Alternatively, build the docker image:

docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t rllib-energyplus

Run the container

docker run --rm --name rllib-energyplus -it rllib-energyplus


  • Remove --rm to keep the container after exiting.
  • If you want to use tensorboard, start the container with --network host parameter.
  • If you want to use a GPU, start the container with --gpus all parameter.

Inside the container, run the experiment

cd /root/rllib-energyplus
# run the Amphitheater example
python3 rleplus/train/rllib.py --env AmphitheaterEnv

Using a virtual environment

Using poetry

Install Poetry if you don't have it already:

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

See more installation options here.

This project comes with a pyproject.toml file that lists all dependencies. Packages versions are pinned (in poetry.lock) to ensure reproducibility.

Install the project dependencies with:

poetry install

Using pip

The poetry lock file is automatically converted to a requirements file, so you can also install dependencies with pip:

# Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
# Activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Path dependencies

This project depends on the EnergyPlus Python API. An auto-discovery mechanism is used to find the API, but in case it fails, you can manually add the path to the API to the PYTHONPATH environment variable using the following:

export PYTHONPATH="/usr/local/EnergyPlus-23-2-0/:$PYTHONPATH"

Make sure you can import EnergyPlus API by printing its version number

$ python3 -c 'from pyenergyplus.api import EnergyPlusAPI; print(EnergyPlusAPI.api_version())'

Run example

Run the amphitheater example with default parameters using Ray RLlib PPO algorithm:

Using Poetry

# Using Ray Rllib
poetry run rllib --env AmphitheaterEnv
# Using Meta Pearl
poetry run pearl --env AmphitheaterEnv

Using Python

If you installed dependencies with pip, you can run the example with:

# Using Ray Rllib
python3 rleplus/train/rllib.py --env AmphitheaterEnv
# Using Meta Pearl
python3 rleplus/train/pearl.py --env AmphitheaterEnv

Example of episode reward stats obtained training with PPO, 1e5 timesteps, 2 workers, with default parameters + LSTM, short E+ run period (2 first weeks of January). Experiment took ~20min.

PPO stats

Creating a new environment

To create a new environment, you need to create a new class that inherits from rleplus.envs.EnergyPlusEnv and implement abstract methods. See existing environments for examples.

Once your environment is ready, it must be declared in the rleplus.examples.registry module, so it gets registered.

Tracking an experiment

Tensorboard is installed with requirements. To track an experiment running in a docker container, the container must be started with --network host parameter.

Start tensorboard with:

tensorboard --logdir ~/ray_results --bind_all