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What is the proper way to save the scroll position in an EpoxyRecyclerView?
When I use the back button to return to my Fragment (which is only a vertical EpoxyRecyclerView using MvRx) it starts at the top of the list instead of the screen. This is probably annoying for users who click on a photo, see the full screen image, and then end up at the top of the screen when hitting back. Is this something Android should be doing automatically? Should I be storing the scroll position in onSavedInstanceState? Or does Epoxy have some other solution?
I know that I can set saveViewState
on Models, but I don't see how this would help the RecyclerView resume at the previous scroll position.
I have the same problem ! I use carousel within a vertical RecyclerView+Navigation,but carousel not saved the position.
Perhaps it is worth checking where the controller is being initialized, I have faced this issue when controllers are initialized/loaded during the onStart or onResume methods of Fragment however when it is done during the onCreateView method, it worked as expected.
I have the same problem ! I use carousel within a vertical RecyclerView+Navigation,but carousel not saved the position.
The location information can be saved. The Navigation I am currently using is the latest version, and it is done in combination with mavericks and epoxy. The scrolling position can also be saved when rotating the screen.But I haven't tried the compose version yet. (可以保存位置信息,我目前使用的Navigation是最新版,以及mavericks结合epoxy来做的,旋转屏幕时滚动的位置一样可以保存,不过compose版本的我还没试过)
I am also having this exact same issue where nested recyclerview contains horizontal carousel and whenever I navigate to other page and back, the carousels position is not retained - I have overridden shouldSaveViewState
and I have tried to initialize controller in onViewCreated
and in onCreate
without good results
I am also having this exact same issue where nested recyclerview contains horizontal carousel and whenever I navigate to other page and back, the carousels position is not retained - I have overridden
and I have tried to initialize controller inonViewCreated
and inonCreate
without good results
This is indeed the case. I did the same thing. Although my original method kept the scroll position, the adapter
leaked. Now if I use this, it is no problem to empty the adapter
when I leave the window, but the original scroll state is gone. I don't know how to solve it, maybe I can rewrite the navigation
component to not destroy
the view when navigating?Just overlay the view. This is the BaseEpoxyFragment I wrote while practicing.
I added onScrollListener to my EpoxyRecyclerView, than i use findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() on every scroll, in this way i got the position and saved it. And after that i can scroll to this position anytime
Share us your implemented code.
this code will save current visible position on every scroll:
var position = 0
binding.epoxyRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {
override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy)
position = (recyclerView.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager).findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition()
then we can scroll to this position this way:
in my case it helped
This should work!
private val uiController: UIController by lazy {
override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {