babel-plugin-inline-react-svg copied to clipboard
SVG duplicate ids on one page
Hi all,
The current v1.0.1 duplicate ids on one page.
I think the problem with svgo 0.7.2
Can you elaborate? What's the content of your svg?
2 examples my icon:
<polygon id="path-1"
will convert to <polygon id="a"
in both icons
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="22px" height="18px" viewBox="0 0 22 18" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 52.5 (67469) - -->
<title>Group 3 Copy 5</title>
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<polygon id="path-1" points="0 0 21.1304348 0 21.1304348 18 0 18"></polygon>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="Home" transform="translate(-1218.000000, -1853.000000)">
<g id="Group-26" transform="translate(321.000000, 1282.000000)">
<g id="Group-3-Copy-5" transform="translate(897.000000, 571.000000)">
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<g id="Clip-2"></g>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="43px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 43 22" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 52.5 (67469) - -->
<title>Group 10 Copy 2</title>
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<polygon id="path-1" points="0 0.00285020243 42.9615377 0.00285020243 42.9615377 21.8218534 0 21.8218534"></polygon>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="Home" transform="translate(-1199.000000, -1541.000000)">
<g id="Group-26" transform="translate(321.000000, 1282.000000)">
<g id="Group-10-Copy-2" transform="translate(878.000000, 259.000000)">
<g id="Group-3" transform="translate(0.000000, 0.086219)">
<mask id="mask-2" fill="white">
<use xlink:href="#path-1"></use>
<g id="Clip-2"></g>
<path d="M42.9614486,2.09497895 L42.9614486,1.44317328 C42.9614486,0.647699595 42.3165903,0.00284129555 41.5211166,0.00284129555 L1.44032308,0.00284129555 C0.644849393,0.00284129555 -8.90688259e-06,0.647699595 -8.90688259e-06,1.44317328 L-8.90688259e-06,20.3815215 C-8.90688259e-06,21.1769951 0.644849393,21.8218534 1.44032308,21.8218534 L41.5212057,21.8218534 C42.3166794,21.8218534 42.9615377,21.1769951 42.9615377,20.3815215 L42.9615377,19.7297158 C42.9615377,19.1704526 42.6337644,18.6587522 42.1199263,18.4378615 C39.2043474,17.184485 37.1623555,14.2872543 37.1623555,10.9123474 C37.1623555,7.53744049 39.2043474,4.64020972 42.1199263,3.38674413 C42.6337644,3.16594251 42.9614486,2.65424211 42.9614486,2.09497895" id="Fill-1" fill="#FDCB31" mask="url(#mask-2)"></path>
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See #46; you may want to reconsider having IDs in your svgs. Why are they there?
As far as I know you need ids for stuff like gradients on paths. This plugin does cleanup the ids by default. So is the only way to handle situations like this to disable the cleanupIds open?
"plugins": [
"svgo": {
"plugins": [
"cleanupIDs": {
"minify": false
I think it would be great if this plugin or svgo could randomize the ids.
In the example the id “Fill-6”, eg, doesn’t seem to be referenced anywhere else - which suggests that either it’s styled from outside (meaning it couldn’t be randomized) or that it’s unused (meaning it could be deleted). What am i missing?
I did't look at the example. Here is one where (as far as I know) the id is needed:
<svg height="150" width="400">
<linearGradient id="grad1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,255,0);stop-opacity:1" />
<stop offset="50%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,0,255);stop-opacity:1" />
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,0,0);stop-opacity:1" />
<ellipse cx="200" cy="70" rx="85" ry="55" fill="url(#grad1)" />
I also get the same issues. Had to turn the minification off. Is this going to be picked up?
a PR is welcome.
@ljharb if we upgrade to the next major version of svgo
, these types of issues should go away. For example, as of [email protected]
, the following is possible:
// babel.config.js
const path = require('path');
const iconPrefixes = [];
module.exports = (api) => {
const presets = [/* ... */];
const plugins = [
// ...
svgo: {
plugins: [
prefixIds: (node, extra) => {
// Generate the ID prefix from the file's basename
const prefix = path.basename(extra.path);
// Keep track of prefixes for the cleanupIDs plugin
return prefix;
cleanupIDs: {
// Minify IDs, but preserve their prefixes
preservePrefixes: iconPrefixes,
return {
It seems like the only breaking change in v1+
was requiring Node v4+.
/cc @nghiepit @wouter-willems @florianmutter
@mikefowler thanks! that would certainly be semver-major for this plugin, but seems easy enough to adapt to. A PR would be welcome :-)
@ljharb you bet, working on it!
After digging in a bit, I found this comment to have accurately summed up the issue with upgrading svgo
(namely, .optimize
is no longer synchronous).
@ljharb, given that you have previously stated that we are not interested in using a package that makes Promises synchronous, it seems we truly are blocked on upgrading svgo
and providing the functionality I mentioned above. Bummer.
The maintainer of SVGR opened an issue over a year ago about re-implementing a sync mode for svgo
and there has been no response from the maintainers.
For those who stumble onto this issue, babel-plugin-inline-svg
is using synchronized-promise
and a newer version of svgo
, allowing for the functionality above.
@mikefowler ah, I'd forgotten about that :-/ unless babel 7 added a way for transforms to run asynchronously, i don't think we really have much of an option.
I suppose we could fork svgo; another (unfortunate) option would be to synchronously invoke a separate process that provides the results.
I just had a look into Babel 7 and it looks as if there was an async way of transforming now. See the compat note in the Babel Docs for infos.
Don't actually know, if that means that visitors also can be async though. Can't check it, because I'm not at the code right now. Also quite busy, hence the terrible response time 🙈
@Trainbird @ljharb I came across this issue as the js-yaml
package inside svgo
has a vulnerability.
I was looking into the SVGO Promise breaking change and came across error thrown if the return value would be a promise:
You appear to be using a plugin with an async traversal visitor, which your current version of Babel does not support. If you're using a published plugin, you may need to upgrade your @babel/core version.
Checking the latest core code, this still seems to be unsupported:
Moved to @svgr/webpack
Also just bumped into this issue, importing 3 SVGs on a page and they all render as the same image since the ids get mapped to the same id.
I'll just manually edit the SVG (exported from figma), but just adding a +1 for seeing if there's a way to support this without needing to do that.
If anyone is interested in testing out a solution to this, I've merged (and a followup hotfix) into master
of that fork, and you should be able to install it by specifying that repo as the dependency version in your package.json:
(it's currently unpublished).
Read that pull request for more info on the how and why.
While there are some workarounds for rendering different SVGs on the same page whose source files have ID collisions (you can just edit the SVG, or use the cleanupIDs
option to change them per SVG), that doesn't help the situation of rendering multiple of the same SVG on one page.
For this to be fully solved you need unique IDs per instance, not just per component. So if you render <HeartIcon /><HeartIcon />
they still shouldn't conflict. That's what the patch there does.
Option prefixIds should me modifiable from the props, dynamically instead of statically.
<HeartIcon prefixIds="icon-1-" />
<HeartIcon prefixIds="icon-2-" />
have you find any solution on this?
This was driving me nuts, because usually the page would render great except for one SVG causing problems. I decided to write a small utility function just to deal with those cases.
Warning: This code is not efficient at all, and shouldn't be used unless you're desperate but lazy. 😄
import { useRef, useEffect } from "react"
const URL_REGEX = /url\(#([a-z])\)/
export default function prefixSvgIds(file, prefix) {
const ref = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
const descendants = ref.current.querySelectorAll("svg *")
descendants.forEach((descendant) => {
for (const attr of descendant.attributes) {
// Replace things like id="#a"
if ( === "id") {
if (attr.value.includes(prefix)) return
const newId = `${prefix}__${attr.value}`
descendant.setAttribute(, newId)
// Replace things like fill="#a"
const match = attr.value.match(URL_REGEX)
if (match) {
if (attr.value.includes(prefix)) return
const newId = `url(#${prefix}__${match[1]})`
descendant.setAttribute(, newId)
}, [])
return <span ref={ref}>{file}</span>
Then when rendering your SVG, you replace something like this...
<MyIcon />
...with this:
{prefixSvgIds(<MyIcon />, "my-prefix")}
This will turn all id="a"
into id="my-prefix__a"
, and all url(#a)
into url(#my-prefix__a)
This is still an issue and hinders the scalability of this plugin when your site has multiple SVGs - rendering issues are almost guaranteed since ids are transformed into alphabet chars
I took inspiration from @t4t5 and wrote a small library which does id prefix logic at build-time and generation at runtime. It works well with the same icon repeated multiple times in the same page.
Hey everyone, I was able to solve this issue using this config in my .babelrc
"plugins": [
"svgo": {
"plugins": [
"name": "preset-default",
"params": {
"overrides": {
"cleanupIDs": false
@maxime-helen the bug is in using IDs in the first place, but thanks for your helpful comment.