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DeepLink Error: Dee3p link to non-existent method on Production
Our app links and deeplinks work on a dev build. However once we test a production build, non of the deeplink or applinks work.
We instead get an error that is caught by our DeepLinkReceiver
The following error message is logged when trying to launch a deeplink.
Error Stacktrace
E/DeepLinkReceiver:15: DeepLink Error: Dee3p link to non-existent method: createExploreIntent
(We called a deeplink that goes to an explore page in this example)
I suspect this issue might be with our pro guard rules?
Our Pro Guard Rules
-keep class com.airbnb.deeplinkdispatch.** { *; }
-keep @interface
-keep @interface
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
@com.airbnb.deeplinkdispatch.DeepLink <methods>; <methods>; <methods>;
How did you declare HeadspaceAppLink
If you are using Kotlin, don't forget to set the retention to BINARY
@DeepLinkSpec(prefix = ["something"])
annotation class AppDeeplink(val value: Array<String>)