Andy Stewart
Andy Stewart
Thank you for this project! - The icons look great: wonderfully clean. - I particularly appreciate being able to download a subset of just the icons I want from the...
I am trying to set up the Seal spoon to replace Alfred as a launcher. With some trial and error I have got it searching for apps and doing custom...
Hello! I am trying to write a test for an ActionCable connection. My connection class looks like this: ```ruby module ApplicationCable class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base identified_by :current_user def connect self.current_user...
Hello! I recently upgraded from 1.6.0 to 2.1.0 and I'm on Rails 6.0.0. I have noticed that Clearance sets two cookies when I sign in: one for the domain ``...
Hello! I was wondering how to detect syntax errors in a slim template (in Rails) using the `slimrb` command. Many thanks in advance.
### Summary Given a `has_one :through` association with `dependent: :destroy`, destroying the parent destroys the through record and the far end. However if the association is bi-directional, destroying only works...
With a bi-directional has one through association, where the join model belongs to each parent with `dependent: :destroy`, destroying either parent should destroy the through record and the other parent....
I just wanted to thank you for making this colorscheme and the terminal/iTerm configuration to go with it. I have tried lots of dark colorschemes but none was ever quite...
Currently the way to configure where QuoVadis redirects the user after, e.g., logging in is to [specify a route]( with the name `:after_login`: ```ruby get '/dashboard', to: 'dashboards#show', as: :after_login...
An app using email confirmation ran into a problem when the email delivery gem (Postmark in this case) wasn't able to establish a connection to Postmark. The error:...