I'm also interested in an Emacs mode for Argdown (I tried to get lsp-mode working with Go to figure out how to use LSP in Emacs in order to get...
I'm attempting to get this working again. I've installed using nvm/npm the @argdown/language-server package, but don't know how to run it using npx.
Hi Cleber et al, Thanks for letting me know! I have been busy with other chores, but can now return my attention to Jason I think. I was wondering whether...
I don't have an urgent or serious need, nor the skill to help, but I am interested in seeing if I couldn't use Emacs-CL for improving Emacs interaction with CYC...
I can confirm I am having the same issue. I am running Dig inside a libvirt virtual machine using Vagrant. I set the DOMAIN in .env to the IP of...
Definitely, sounds great! Once I come more up to speed on the very cool stuff you are working on I'll be able to contribute some, and possibly share some related...
@mullikine Apologies if this is off topic, but is there a way to deploy your entire software ecosystem to a local virtual machine? I am very envious (in a good...
Following up via email, ty!
> Your model is running in fp16 half precision floating points, but the image you passed is a full precision float. Either change the model to run on full precision...
I changed control to libgfortran5 and it at least installed. Trying to learn how to use it now. TY!