XLChart icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
XLChart copied to clipboard


XLChart is very useful and easy for current data analyses with Objective-C language.You can download it anywhere and anytime for free. There is nothing to worry about how to use it because the entire project is a demo once downloaded. You can run it directly.

Thanks to MJEXtension that i used to convert json into model, it provides a convenient method for me. I have been spending several months in designing and coding XLChart. But it still has a long way to go. Anyone interested can join me in accomplishing the rest of it. If you find any bug, please feel free to send email to [email protected]. Thank you.





there are only two kinds form of table in XLTableChart class,you can do like this:


the other forms of table look like this:



At first bar chart and line chart had been divided because of it basic forms. through a series of improve quality of code and a better performance. i merged XLBarChart and XLLineChart into XLBarLineChart. so you guys can use XLBarLineChart class directly. however there are still little function of XLBarLineChart.
