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⛔️ [DEPRECATED] Current development in https://github.com/ailabstw/pttai-next

This repository is deprecated. Current development happen in PTT.ai-next.


Official golang implementation of the PTT.ai Framework.

API Reference Travis

The architecture of PTT.ai can be found in the link (中文版)

More documents can be found in PIPs


go get github.com/ailabstw/go-pttai
go install github.com/ailabstw/go-pttai/cmd/gptt


All License can be found in docs/

Docker Environment


Docker with customized storage / ports

./scripts/docker_with_storage.sh -p [http-port in local-machine] -a [api-port in local-machine] -q [p2p-port in local-machine] -e [optional external http/https addr] -b [optional external api addr] -s [dir]


make test

Testing for specific dir:

./scripts/test.sh [dir]
(ex: ./scripts/test.sh common)


Testing for specific e2e-test

./scripts/e2e.sh [any test in the e2e dir]

ex: ./scripts/e2e.sh friend_basic

Running Godoc



The code-structure is based on go-ethereum. The following is the general guide for the development.

go get github.com/ailabstw/go-pttai; cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/ailabstw/go-pttai; ./scripts/init_cookiecutter.sh; source __/bin/activate

  • follow gofmt / goimports
  • follow gotests
  • coding style (in-general):
    1. Each struct file (generated from ./scripts/dev_struct.sh) represents 1 struct
    2. Each module file (generated from ./scripts/dev_module.sh) represents 1 public function
    3. Struct is always CapitalizedCamelCase
    4. Public constants / variables / functions / member variables / member functions are CapitalizedCamelCase
    5. local constants / variables / functions / member variables / member functions are lowerCamelCase
    6. Global variables are in globals.go
    7. Global test variables are in globals_test.go
    8. Errors are in errors.go
  • Naming:
    • Full name: PTTai, pttai, PTT.ai
    • cmd: gptt, Gptt (go-ptt)
  • Default ports:
    • http-connection: 9774
    • api-connection: 14779
    • p2p-connection: 9487

SSH Tunnel

  1. ssh -L [rpcport-for-localhost]:localhost:[rpcport-for-remote-host] [username]@[remote-host]
  2. ssh -L [httpport-for-localhost]:localhost:[httpport-for-remote-host] [username]@[remote-host]
  3. ./build/bin/gptt --testwebrtc --rpcport [port-for-remote-host] --httpaddr[http-port] --exthttpaddr http://localhost:[httpport-for-localhost] --extrpcaddr http://localhost:[rpcport-for-localhost]
  4. (in browser) http://localhost:[httpport-for-localhost]


  1. Create Linode with Stackscript ID: 399252 (hsiaochuanheng / p.me-docker (go-pttai))

  2. Launch the console and ensure that the new linode is created successfully.

  3. ssh -L 14779:localhost:14779 admin@[IP]

  4. ssh -L 9774:localhost:9774 admin@[IP]

  5. open browser and connect to http://localhost:9774

  6. Update (in admin@[IP]):

    sudo -s
    docker pull ailabstw/go-pttai:latest
    docker run -e HTTPPORT=${HTTPPORT} -e APIPORT=${APIPORT} -itd --restart=always -p 9487:9487 -p -p -v /home/admin/pttai.docker:/root/.pttai --name go-pttai ailabstw/go-pttai:latest gptt "--testwebrtc" "--httpdir" "/static" "--httpaddr" "" "--rpcaddr" "" "--exthttpaddr" "http://localhost:${HTTPPORT}" "--extrpcaddr" "http://localhost:${APIPORT}"

Digital Ocean

  1. Create docker-with-ubuntu in One-click Applications.

  2. Install / Update (in root@[IP]):

    sudo -s
    docker pull ailabstw/go-pttai:latest
    docker run -e HTTPPORT=${HTTPPORT} -e APIPORT=${APIPORT} -itd --restart=always -p 9487:9487 -p -p -v /home/admin/pttai.docker:/root/.pttai --name go-pttai ailabstw/go-pttai:latest gptt "--testwebrtc" "--httpdir" "/static" "--httpaddr" "" "--rpcaddr" "" "--exthttpaddr" "http://localhost:${HTTPPORT}" "--extrpcaddr" "http://localhost:${APIPORT}"
  3. ssh -L 14779:localhost:14779 root@[IP]

  4. ssh -L 9774:localhost:9774 root@[IP]

  5. open browser and connect to http://localhost:9774


  1. Setup Key Pair in AWS ec2 console. (for SSH use)

  2. Setup Security Group in AWS ec2 console

    • Be sure to have port 22, 9487, 9774, 14779 open to
  3. Create an ECS cluster with the correpsonding Key Pair and Security Group.

  4. Install / Update (in ec2-user@[IP]):

    sudo -s
    docker pull ailabstw/go-pttai:latest
    docker run -e HTTPPORT=${HTTPPORT} -e APIPORT=${APIPORT} -itd --restart=always -p 9487:9487 -p -p -v /home/admin/pttai.docker:/root/.pttai --name go-pttai ailabstw/go-pttai:latest gptt "--testwebrtc" "--httpdir" "/static" "--httpaddr" "" "--rpcaddr" "" "--exthttpaddr" "http://localhost:${HTTPPORT}" "--extrpcaddr" "http://localhost:${APIPORT}"
  5. ssh -L 14779:localhost:14779 ec2-user@[IP]

  6. ssh -L 9774:localhost:9774 ec2-user@[IP]

  7. open browser and connect to http://localhost:9774

AWS Elastic Beanstalk (On-click deploy)

  1. Setup Key Pair in AWS ec2 console. (for SSH use)

    Please remeber where you save the private key in your computer, you will need it at the last step.

  2. Click this link

    This will deploy the pre-build p.me docker image for you

  3. Click choice option Upload your code

    (Note: the code is already uploaded for you, you only have to click this option. This seems to be a bug of AWS.)

  1. Click button Review and Launch

  2. Click Modify in the Security section

  3. Chose the key pair you just setup in EC2 key pair,then Save

  4. Click button Create app

  5. ssh -L 14779:localhost:14779 ec2-user@[IP]

  6. ssh -L 9774:localhost:9774 ec2-user@[IP]

  7. open browser and connect to http://localhost:9774