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Adding modulo field prime to
When using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic with the available in crypto hash functions it is possible to get values larger than the field prime of bls12-381. I have two options, truncating the hash at my function level or I add in a modulo the field prime term for values larger than the field prime.
I opt for modulo the field prime.
pub fn fiat_shamir_heuristic(
// compressed g element
g_b: ByteArray,
// compressed g^r element
g_r_b: ByteArray,
// compressed g^x element
u_b: ByteArray,
// upper bound as bytearray
b: ByteArray,
) -> ByteArray {
// concat g_b, g_r_b, u_b, and b together then hash the result
// blake2b_256 is the cheapest on chain
|> bytearray.concat(g_r_b)
|> bytearray.concat(u_b)
|> bytearray.concat(b)
|> crypto.blake2b_256()
test real_fiat_shamir_transform() {
) == #"8f9409d05727322c9f2d1d0adf817b8d0e3a681977edc9ab866879a4a4f8f5b9"
The resulting challenge value from the Fiat-Shamir transform will crash at validation, due to an expect erroring because is a scaler if and only if it is in range, thus preventing spending when performing my NIZK.
If we just added a modulo field prime for values larger than the field prime then this never happens.
Also about 54% of blake2b_256 hashes will be larger than the field prime so it probably a good idea to account for this.