jquery-stickytabs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jquery-stickytabs copied to clipboard

Provides persistant state (back and forward button support) for Bootstrap tabs


npm version

Provides pushState (back and forward button support) to Bootstrap tabs



type npm install jquery-stickytabs --save to install the library via NPM


type bower install jquery-stickytabs --save to install the library via bower


Run this in document ready or some equivalent initializer on your page:


Where nav-tabs is the default class for the bootstrap tabs feature.


The following options are available to pass to jquery-stickytabs on instantiation


$(function() {
	var options = { 
		selectorAttribute: "data-target",
		backToTop: true
	$('.nav-tabs').stickyTabs( options );
option default description
selectorAttribute false Override the default href attribute used as selector when you need to activate multiple TabPanels at once with a single Tab using the data-target attribute.
backToTop false Prevent the page from jumping down to the tab content by setting the backToTop setting to true.

NuGet package

Tim Abell maintains a nuget package of stickytabs for easier installation in .NET projects. Report any packaging issues here: https://github.com/timabell/jquery-stickytabs/issues