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A curated list of SC2 AI code and resources
Awesome SC2 AI
A curated list of SC2 AI code and resources
If you want to contribute, please feel free to submit a PR.
Table of contents
- Competitions
- C#
- C++
- Go
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Rust
- TypeScript
- C#
- Python
- Python
Open-source bots
- C#
- C++
- Java
- Python
- Machine Learning
- General
- Python
- Development tools
- License
CSharp APIs
Java APIs
JavaScript APIs
Python APIs
- python-sc2
- pysc2 - Machine-learning focussed SC2 AI API.
Rust APIs
TypeScript APIs
CSharp Frameworks
Python Frameworks
Python Libraries
- ares-sc2 - an extension on python-sc2's capabilities
- cython-extensions-sc2 - Cython extensions extracted from ares-sc2, for use in any python-sc2 based bot.
- SC2MapAnalysis - influence maps, pathfinding
- queens-sc2 - powerful queen management
- bossman - simple utility for tracking and making in game choices
- SC2_bot_chat - utility for sending chat messages
- sc2-helper - StarCraft 2 AI helper tools
- sc2-pathlib - Pathfinding and terrain analysis library for Starcraft 2 bot api in Rust
- SC2-Map-Segmentation - provides fully automated segmentation for Starcraft 2 maps, similar to SC2MapAnalysis
- alphastar - A package from DeepMind that provides the tools to train an agent to master StarCraft II
Open-source bots
CPP bots
- cpp-sc2/blank-bot - empty starter bot with integrated cpp-sc2.
- cpp-sc2/commandcenter
- MicroMachine
- suvorov-bot
CSharp bots
Java bots
- Supalosa/testbot - bot template with integrated ocraft. Built using gradle.
Python bots
- ESChamp's python-sc2 bot template
- burny-sc2 example bots
- sharpy-sc2 dummy bots
- TrebbleBiscuit's sc2-ai-agents
- Chance
- oops
Machine Learning
- HierNet-SC2
- Train your first Starcraft II learning agent
- Startcraft PySC2 mini-games and agents
- StarCraft II Unplugged : Offline Reinforcement Learning
General Tutorials
How to begin
- Getting started competing on SC2 AI Arena (Text)
- How to get started making your own StarCraft 2 bot (Video)
- Vinsloev Academy - Learn Python - Project For Beginners [StarCraft 2 AI] (Video)
Higher level concepts
- Bot debug demonstration by Supalosa (Video)
- High level bot architecture (starts @ 4 mins in) (Video)
CSharp Tutorials
Python Tutorials
- ESChamp - Simple StarCraft 2 Bot Template To Get Started (Text)
- Sentdex - Starcraft 2 AI with Python (Video)
- Brax - SC2 AI Development blog
Development tools
- - Third party AI Arena ladder statistics
- local-play-bootstrap - A quick setup for playing games locally
- docker-sc2 - A dockerized StarCraft II Linux client.
- aiarena-docker - Standard arena client docker environment used in competitions.