Alex Williams

Results 18 issues of Alex Williams

When I run ``` julia t,x = ode45(f,x0,tspan) ``` I get: ``` julia typeof(x) # Array{Array{Float64,1},1} ``` Which is annoying because I want to, for example, plot the evolution for...

It would be nice to be able to dispatch on the `p` parameter in the `Minkowski` distance type. There is a very similar implementation here (thanks to @Evizero), which I...

Importing `pynwb` is surprisingly slow on my machine. Is this typical for others? ``` Python 3.9.9 (main, Jan 13 2022, 00:56:30) Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython...

priority: medium
help wanted: deep dive

Users should have the ability to specify different loss functions. A few easy ones: - [ ] Logistic loss (spiking data where there is at most 1 spike per bin)...

Not sure if this is a known issue, but the following code gives me this not so nice output. (I'm currently checked out on master.) ``` julia using PyPlot figure()...

Thanks for this very clear and useful package. When calling `visualpriors.representation_transform(image_data, "colorization")` I get an error (dimension mismatch) when I pass in an RGB color image. I know I can...

How difficult would it be to add support for the following? I think this would be useful: ``` julia x = rand(10) y = rand(10) for (xi,yi) in zip(x,y) #...

I'd like to apply Newton's method on a convex problem. When I try `jaxopt.ScipyMinimize` with `method="trust-exact"` I get the error: ``` ValueError: Hessian matrix is required for trust region exact...


Recently had to downgrade Python to 3.7 for some reason and ran into this. ```python --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/code/netrep/netrep/metrics/ in 1 from netrep.metrics.cka import LinearCKA ---->...

I apologize if I missed this somewhere, but I can't find this anywhere in the docs and its driving me crazy. I'm looking for the equivalent of: ```python navbar_pagenav =...