موسی الرضا
موسی الرضا
Can Not Fix Gunship ? dont work
player delete items plz fix it player delete items or bags
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=31884 is bug no normal damage use and low dps no use and normal dps plz chek it very nice bug
it is nice patche for gunship battle im not apply patches in core plz chek and add http://www.uploadbaz.com/5uf9pcplxrct
Can add Ptach http://www.uploadbaz.com/fdqclvdt6tal im tested can not:( plz add patch in core
http://old.wowhead.com/spell=69399 http://old.wowhead.com/spell=70175 not work atack all players and npc and ships plz fix it http://ahuraa.persiangig.com/WoWScrnShot_042712_140251.jpg http://ahuraa.persiangig.com/WoWScrnShot_042712_140305.jpg
http://old.wowhead.com/object=195631 not found
http://old.wowhead.com/quest=12641 is bug not work
Bug Description: Lock and Load is not activated by Frost Trap. ytdb 620 http://old.wowhead.com/spell=56343
Greetings, I have encountered a problem in Blood Prince Council in all modes. The 1 hp prince can be abused for procs that are below certain % of health, for...