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☁️ 👀 💬 My Java Solutions to CTCI-6th Edition. Links to Online Judge Platforms for CTCI questions.


This repository will contain the Links to online judge platforms if the question is avaliable on a particular platform. This would help to actually code and submit the solutions for all corner cases, before verifying from the book. Also, my Java Solutions to Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th Edition.

Chapter 1 - Arrays & Strings

# Title Online Judge My Solutions
1 Unique Characters GeeksforGeeks Java
2 String Permutation - GFG Leetcode-Medium Java
3 Urlify GeeksforGeeks Java
4 Palindrome Permutation Leetcode Java
5 One Edit Away Leetcode-Hard Java
6 String Compression Leetcode-Easy Java
7 Rotate Matrix Leetcode-Medium Java
8 Zero Matrix Leetcode-Medium Java
9 String Rotation Leetcode-Easy Java

Chapter 2 - Linked Lists

# Title Online Judge My Solutions
1 Remove Duplicates - GFG LeetCode-Medium Java
2 Kth element from Last LeetCode-Medium Java
3 Delete Middle Node LeetCode-Easy Java
5 Sum Lists LeetCode-Medium Java
6 Palindrome LeetCode-Easy Java
7 Intersection LeetCode-Easy Java
8 Loop Detection LeetCode-Easy Java
