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A comprehensive tool for etcd diagnosis



etcd-diagnosis is a comprehensive tool for etcd diagnosis. It diagnoses running etcd clusters and generates a report with just one command. It reuses most of the etcdctl global flags, so users follow the same experience as etcdctl to use etcd-diagnosis. See the complete flags below,

$ ./bin/etcd-diagnosis -h
An one-stop etcd diagnosis tool

  etcd-diagnosis [flags]

      --cacert string                  verify certificates of TLS-enabled secure servers using this CA bundle
      --cert string                    identify secure client using this TLS certificate file
      --cluster                        use all endpoints from the cluster member list
      --command-timeout duration       command timeout (excluding dial timeout) (default 5s)
      --dial-timeout duration          dial timeout for client connections (default 2s)
  -d, --discovery-srv string           domain name to query for SRV records describing cluster endpoints
      --discovery-srv-name string      service name to query when using DNS discovery
      --endpoints strings              comma separated etcd endpoints (default [])
      --etcd-storage-quota-bytes int   etcd storage quota in bytes (the value passed to etcd instance by flag --quota-backend-bytes) (default 2147483648)
  -h, --help                           help for etcd-diagnosis
      --insecure-discovery             accept insecure SRV records describing cluster endpoints (default true)
      --insecure-skip-tls-verify       skip server certificate verification (CAUTION: this option should be enabled only for testing purposes)
      --insecure-transport             disable transport security for client connections (default true)
      --keepalive-time duration        keepalive time for client connections (default 2s)
      --keepalive-timeout duration     keepalive timeout for client connections (default 5s)
      --key string                     identify secure client using this TLS key file
      --password string                password for authentication (if this option is used, --user option shouldn't include password)
      --user string                    username[:password] for authentication (prompt if password is not supplied)
      --version                        print the version and exit


It's pretty simple & straightforward. See the example below, it automatically diagnoses all the endpoints specified by flag --endpoints and output the diagnosis result to both standard output and the file "etcd_diagnosis_report.json" (see example report) under the current directory.

$ ./etcd-diagnosis --endpoints=,, --cacert ./ca.crt --key ./etcd-diagnosis.key --cert ./etcd-diagnosis.crt

If the communication isn't protected by TLS (e.g. in dev environment), use a command something like below,

$ ./etcd-diagnosis --endpoints=,,


It's simple: one generic diagnosis engine + extensible plugins. Each plugin performs a diagnosis, and implements the Plugin interface. Currently, there are 4 plugins, see table below,

Name Description
membershipChecker It checks whethere each endpoint has the same member list
epStatusChecker It checks each endpoint's status, and verify whether their status is consistent
readCheck It checks each endpoint can serve serialiable read requests and the duration to serve a read request
metricsChecker It collects some prometheus metrics from each endpoint
any else? You are welcome to contribute new plugins!


Any contribution (e.g. new plugins) is welcome!