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LinkedIn Premium Interview Preparation
LinkedIn Premium
Interview Preparation
LinkedIn interview preparation tools help you ace the most common interview questions across job positions with exclusive tips and sample answers from industry experts. Here are some samples for assessments of different categories:
- 01 - Tell me about yourself.
- 02 - What is your greatest strength?
- 03 - What is your greatest weakness?
- 04 - Why should we hire you?
- 05 - Why do you want to work here?
- 06 - Tell me about a time you showed leadership.
- 07 - Tell me about a time you were successful on a team.
- 08 - What would your co-workers say about you?
- 09 - Why do you want to leave your current role?
- 10 - Describe your most challenging project.
- 11 - Tell me about something you’ve accomplished that you are proud of.
- 12 - Can you explain your employment gap?
- 13 - What are your salary expectations?
- 14 - What do you like to do outside of work?
- 15 - Tell me about a time you had to manage conflicting priorities.
- 16 - Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- 17 - Describe your leadership style.
- 18 - Tell me about a time you failed or made a mistake.
- 19 - Tell me about a time you worked with a difficult person.
- 20 - Tell me about a time you had to persuade someone.
- 21 - Tell me about a time you disagreed with someone.
- 22 - Tell me about a time you created a goal and achieved it.
- 23 - Tell me about a time you surpassed people’s expectations.
- 24 - Tell me about a time you had to handle pressure.
- 25 - Tell me about a time you had to learn something quickly.
- 26 - Do you have any questions for me?
- 01 - Why do you want to work for our company?
- 02 - What kind of tech team dynamic do you excel in?
- 03 - Let’s say there are two kinds of tech workers: the innovators and the executors. Which of these categories do you fit into?
- 04 - How do you measure success for yourself technically?
- 05 - Why do you think that technical teams need to be inclusive and represent a variety of backgrounds?
- 06 - When you join a new technical initiative, what is the first thing you do?
- 07 - If you had to pick between owning the entire process for one product versus contributing to multiple products at once, how would you decide?
- 08 - If you were stuck in solving a technical problem, how would you ask for help?
- 09 - How would you explain concepts like polymorphism and inheritance to a computer science student?
- 10 - How would you explain a web service infrastructure to a technical audience with a software background but limited system-level knowledge?
- 11 - What would you do if asked to take on a problem where you did not have the technical skills?
- 12 - Tell me about the most challenging technical problem you have solved?
- 13 - Explain how you would design a ride-sharing app.
- 14 - Explain how you’d design Twitter and the system tradeoffs involved.
- 15 - Give me an example of how you’d secure data so that it cannot be misused or inappropriately accessed.
- 16 - Tell me about a time you disagreed with a fellow engineer and how that issue was resolved.
- 17 - Tell me about a time when insights about the industry or customers impacted your technical execution.
- 18 - Tell me about a time you had to push back on an unreasonable request from an executive or customer.
- 19 - What do you think an ideal product-engineering relationship should look like?
- 20 - How would you drive alignment among senior leadership to help accelerate decisions?
- 21 - How do you measure success in an engineering project?
- 22 - What is the mix of technical and management qualities you look for in engineering leaders and