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Roborock Vacuum V1 tokens
After a lot of struggling to fetch the token from my Roborock V1 vacuum, I concluded that in newer (2018-ish?) firmwares, Xiaomi has made it more difficult to acquire the token from it.
When the vacuum is reset, a new token is generated. This token is what miio discover
reports when run against an uninitialized vacuum and connected to the hotspot network from the vacuum. However, after you connect the vacuum to your xiaomi account and the app, the token is re-generated again, and in all further communication the token is not disclosed.
This makes it impossible to use the network-sniffing methods, such as the miio command line tool, to pick up the newly generated token. Use the the methods where you read the token from a backup of the Mi Home app.
I suggest that this information is included in relevant documents here, to help other users.
The same problem with ZHIMI.HUMIDIFIER.CB1
My CA1 humidifier made an auto update to firmware and the python-miio lib stop working... Error 5001.. Is the support for these miio lib device stoped by xiaomi? I read that xiaomi change lib to miot cloud only...? Is this exact?
@krejkrejkrej This works: https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/Xiaomi-cloud-tokens-extractor It extracts the tokens from the cloud account.
@krejkrejkrej This works: https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/Xiaomi-cloud-tokens-extractor It extracts the tokens from the cloud account.
You see, the post is over an year old? Anyway, also working is this: https://github.com/maxinminax/node-mihome