hijri_picker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hijri_picker copied to clipboard

Flutter Widget to Pick Hijri Calendar Dates

Hijri Date Picker

Flutter Widget & Picker to select Hijri (Isalmic Calendar) date

Screenshots صور

Simple Usage طريقة الاستخدام

Add local to MaterialApp

 localizationsDelegates: [
         supportedLocales: [
           const Locale('ar', 'SA'),

Internationalizing Flutter apps

 final HijriCalendar? picked = await showHijriDatePicker(
       context: context,
       initialDate: selectedDate,
       lastDate: HijriCalendar()
         ..hYear = 1442
         ..hMonth = 9
         ..hDay = 25,
       firstDate: HijriCalendar()
         ..hYear = 1438
         ..hMonth = 12
         ..hDay = 25,
       initialDatePickerMode: DatePickerMode.day,

As Widget استخدام كـ

                lastDate: HijriCalendar()
                  ..hYear = 1445
                  ..hMonth = 9
                  ..hDay = 25,
                firstDate: HijriCalendar()
                  ..hYear = 1438
                  ..hMonth = 12
                  ..hDay = 25,
                onChanged: (HijriCalendar value) {
                  setState(() {
                    selectedDate = selectedDate;
                selectedDate: selectedDate,


Ahmed Aljoaid