Ahmed Kamal
Ahmed Kamal
> Thanks for the PR! May you explain the use case for this any why not Json? Thanks for taking the time to review the PR. Now, let's say we...
@rbugajewski It's about environment variables support, not INI, actually the `.env` file is not an INI file it's just a plain text file that declares environment variables in the form...
@rbugajewski > I’m afraid this is incompatible with Drogon. How would you map the environment variables to a real configuration without sections? maybe using `DROGON_SSL_CERT=path/to/cert` for the parameter `{ "ssl":...
> I just had a completely different thought: Maybe it would be better for a first step to extend `drogon_ctl` with a subcommand to generate a `.env` file from a...
@shadowtime2000 we are building a system that generates reports based on ejs/eta templates, each template has a ton of dynamic data and it's been pretty hard to determine where's the...
Hey, @marudy your comments have been resolved, but I can't sync this brunch with you updated master brunch I think I have to reopen new PR or just merge this...
@lschuft Can you please approve that [this](https://github.com/marudy/react-native-responsive-screen/pull/23) approach is working as expected! You can find a working example under [development/examples/responsive-screen-orientation-change](https://github.com/AhmedMKamal/react-native-responsive-screen/tree/development/examples/responsive-screen-orientation-change)
Once you called `listenOrientationChange` you'll have `orientation` in the component's state you can use this to detect which style will be applied. **Example 1** ``` import React, { Component }...
I'm using PyQt5 version 5.13.0 on Windows 10 but it's not working here's the stack trace ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\enahm\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", mod_spec)...
Any updates on this?