react-event-scheduler copied to clipboard
Fullstack React app built with Typescript, Bootstrap, Apollo client/server, NodeJS/Express, and MongoDB/mongoose
React Event Scheduler App
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Event Scheduler is a React app that allows users to create events. An event can be anything, such as a sport event, team meeting, party announcement, personal advertisement, etc. An event consists of title, start and end date/time, and description. Events can also be shared on FB or Twitter. All events are public by default (visible to everyone). They can also be private (only visible to you) by checking the private checkbox.
Demo :movie_camera:
Tech Stack
- React (react hooks)
- Typescript
- Bootstrap/react-bootstrap
- Styled components
- Apollo client
- JS cookie
- NodeJS with Express
- Typescript
- Apollo server express
- JSON web token
- MongoDB with mongoose
Note that graphql
schemas are generated on the frontend using GraphQL Code Generator. This means that if you make any changes to the schema (server/graphql/schema/index.ts), make sure that the .graphql
files in the frontend are also updated accordingly.
Next, run yarn codegen
to re-generate the queries and mutations (Note: before you do this, make sure the server is up and running by either running yarn start
or yarn start:server
Run app locally
Make sure MongoDB is up and running
In the project directory, run yarn
, then:
yarn start
Runs the backend and frontend apps simultaneously in the development mode.\
Or if you prefer running the apps separately by running
in separate terminals.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make changes.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Current functionality
- User signup and login
- Create, update and delete events
- Search & pagination
- Make events as private (only visible to creators)
- Session expiry warning (displayed when being idle for 3 minutes after logging in)
- Share events with family & friends on Facebook and Twitter
Coming soon
- User profile
- Admin tab & profile
Run unit tests
coming soon...
Run E2E tests
coming soon...