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Query language for org-roam

#+author: Shariff AM Faleel #+language: en #+HTML:


#+TITLE: org-roam-ql - query language for org-roam

This package is under active development.

This package provides an interface to easily query and display results from your ~org-roam~ database.

  • Contents
  • [[#screen-shots][Screen-shots]]
  • [[#installationSetup][Installation/Setup]]
  • [[#usage][Usage]]
    • [[#installationsetup][Installation/Setup]]
    • [[#valid-values-for-source-or-query][Valid values for SOURCE-OR-QUERY]]
    • [[#adding-new-predicates][Adding new predicates]]
    • [[#org-dynamic-block][Org dynamic block]]
  • [[#working-with-org-ql][Working with org-ql]]
  • Screen-shots

You can query org-roam with ~org-roam-ql-search~. The results are displayed in an org-roam-like buffer. org-roam-ql also comes with a transient that can be used to modify the results viewed. The transient can be activated with ~v~. You can modify the title (~t~), query (~q~), sort (~s~) and specify if the query is a subquery (apply query on the results of the buffer) or query against the whole org-roam database (~i~). Refreshing the buffer (~r~) will display the updated results.


The transient is available in the org-roam buffer as well, this allows you to start a query from the results in the org-roam buffer. You also can view the results in an agenda-like buffer.


  • Installation/Setup ~org-roam-ql~ can be installed from [[][MELPA]] or with other package management tools like [[][quelpa]] and [[][straight]]

Example configuration: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package org-roam-ql ;; If using straight :straight (org-roam-ql :type git :host github :repo "ahmed-shariff/org-roam-ql" :files (:defaults (:exclude "org-roam-ql-ql.el"))) ;; If using quelpa :quelpa (org-roam-ql :fetcher github :repo "ahmed-shariff/org-roam-ql" :files (:defaults (:exclude "org-roam-ql-ql.el"))) ;; Simple configuration :after (org-roam) :bind ((:map org-roam-mode-map ;; Have org-roam-ql's transient available in org-roam-mode buffers ("v" . org-roam-ql-buffer-dispatch) :map minibuffer-mode-map ;; Be able to add titles in queries while in minibuffer. ;; This is similar to `org-roam-node-insert', but adds ;; only title as a string. ("C-c n i" . org-roam-ql-insert-node-title)))) #+end_src

  • Usage ** Commands/functions
  • =org-roam-ql-search (SOURCE-OR-QUERY &optional TITLE SORT-FN)= :: This is an interactive command that creates a ~org-roam-ql~ buffer with the nodes of the corresponding [[#valid-values-for-source-or-query][ ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~ ]] ([[#valid-values-for-source-or-query] with ~TITLE~. An ~org-roam-ql~ buffer is functionally similar to the ~org-roam-buffer~, but allows displaying any list of nodes ([[#screen-shots][see screen-shots above]]). When called interactively, it will prompt for the ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~ and ~TITLE~. Note that when entering queries interactively either in ~org-roam-ql-search~ or in the transient, you can get completion-at-point with ~tab~. ~SORT-FN~ is used for sorting the results. It can be a string name of a registered sort function or a predicate function that can be used to sort the nodes (should take two nodes as input and return a non-nil value if the first node should be before the second). By default the following sort function are registered: ~file-mtime~, ~file-atime~, ~deadline~, ~scheduled~, ~point~, ~level~, ~file-title~, ~file~ and ~title~. Each corresponds to the respective slot of an org-roam-node. It is possible to register new sort functions with ~org-roam-ql-register-sort-fn~. These registered functions will also appear as options for completion in the transient.
  • =org-roam-ql-nodes (SOURCE-OR-QUERY)= :: Given a [[#valid-values-for-source-or-query][ ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~ ]] , return a list of nodes.
  • ~org-roam-ql-agenda-block (QUERY)~ :: Meant to be used in ~org-agenda-custom-commands~ as a user-defined function. Insert items from processing ~QUERY~ (which is a [[#valid-values-for-source-or-query][ ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~ ]]) into current buffer. QUERY is the `match' item in the custom command form. Currently this doesn't respect agenda restrict. Example: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-agenda-custom-commands ("cr" "Node a" org-roam-ql-agenda-block '(title "Node a"))) #+end_src
  • ~org-roam-ql-nodes-files (SOURCE-OR-QUERY)~ :: Given a [[#valid-values-for-source-or-query][ ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~ ]] , returns a list of files of the nodes. Can be used in ~org-agenda-custom-commands~. Example: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-agenda-custom-commands ("cr" "todo nodes" todo "TODO" ((org-agenda-files (org-roam-ql-nodes-files '(title "Node")))))) #+end_src ** Valid values for ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~
  • A list of ~org-roam-nodes~ :: This should self explanatory.
  • A list of parameters that can be passed to ~org-roam-db-query~ :: It should be a list of the form ~(QUERY ARG1 ARG2...)~. The result of calling ~org-roam-db-query~ with these parameters should return a list of records where the first element is the ID of a corresponding node. For example: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (org-roam-ql-nodes '([:select [id] :from nodes :where (= todo "TODO")])) #+end_src
  • Buffer name :: A buffer or buffer-name of a ~org-roam~ buffer, a ~org-roam-ql~ buffer or an agenda-like buffer displaying a list of org-roam nodes.
  • Function :: A function that returns a list of ~org-roam-nodes~
  • A ~QUERY~ :: This is a predicate, similar to the predicates in [[][org-ql]]. Returns all nodes that pass for the given predicate. For example, consider the following call to ~org-roam-ql-nodes~: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (org-roam-ql-nodes '(and (todo "TODO") (tags "tag1" "tag2") "org-roam")) #+end_src In the above example, the result would contain any nodes whose todo state is =TODO=, have tags "tag1" and "tag2" and are in the org-roam buffer. The following are predicates available by default in org-roam-ql:
    • =or (SOURCE-OR-QUERY1 SOURCE-OR-QUERY2 ...)= :: Tests if a node matches/contained-in any of the ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~'s.
    • =and (SOURCE-OR-QUERY1 SOURCE-OR-QUERY2 ...)= :: Similar to ~or~, but should satisfy all predicates or contained in all the results of ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~'s.
    • =not (SOURCE-OR-QUERY)= :: Tests if a node doesn't match the result or not contained in the result of ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~.
    • =file (REGEXP &optional EXACT)= :: Test if nodes file name matches ~REGEXP~. If ~EXACT~ is non-nil, the file slot should be an exact match to ~REGEXP~. Note the slot ~file~ of an org-roam-node would contain the absolute path.
    • =file-title (REGEXP &optional EXACT)= :: Similar to ~file~, tests the ~file-title~ slot of a node.
    • =id (ID)= :: Tests if the ~ID~ of a node is a match to the value passed.
    • =level (LEVEL)= :: Tests if the ~level~ of a node is equal to ~LEVEL~.
    • =todo (REGEXP &optional EXACT)= :: Similar to ~file~, tests the todo state of a node.
    • =priority (REGEXP &optional EXACT)= :: Similar to ~file~, tests the priority of a node.
    • =scheduled (COMPARISON TIME-STRING)= :: Compares the ~scheduled~ of the node with ~TIME-STAMP~ based on ~COMPARISON~. ~TIME-STAMP~ is any valid value for [[][org date-time prompt]]. ~COMPARISON~ is either ~<~ or ~>~. Example: ~(scheduled > "-3w")~
    • =deadline= (COMPARISON TIME-STRING) :: Same as ~scheduled~, tests the ~deadline~ of a node.
    • =title (REGRXP &optional EXACT)= :: Similar to ~file~, tests the title of a node.
    • =properties (PROP PROP-VAL)= :: Tests if the value of the property of a node PROP is a match to PROP-VAL. PROP-VAL can be a regular expression.
    • =tags (TAG1 TAG2 ...)= :: Tests if the tags of a node have TAG1, TAG2, etc.
    • =refs (REGEXP &optional EXACT)= :: Similar to ~file~, tests the nodes refs slot.
    • =backlink-to (SOURCE-OR-QUERY)= :: Tests if the node has a backlink to any of the nodes from the results ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~.
    • =backlink-from (SOURCE-OR-QUERY)= :: Similar to ~backlink-to~, tests if there are any backlinks from (aka forwardlinks) the resulting nodes from ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~.
    • =in-buffer (BUFFER-NAME)= :: This is similar to passing a buffer-name as ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~. Tests if a node is in the org-roam buffer named ~BUFFER-NAME~.
    • =nodes-list (NODES-LIST)= :: This is similar to passing a list of nodes as ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~. Tests if a node is in the ~NODES-LIST~.
    • =function (FUNC)= :: This is similar to passing a function as ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~. Tests if the node is in the result of executing the function ~FUNC~.
    • =funcall (FUNC)= :: Tests a node with the function ~FUNC~, which takes an org-roam node as parameter. Test passes if the function returns non-nil.

** Adding new predicates There are two ways to add a new predicate to org-roam-ql:

  • =org-roam-ql-defpred (NAME DOCSTRING EXTRACTION-FUNCTION COMPARISON-FUNCTION)= :: Creates a predicate that can be used as ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~. For example, for a predicate defined as follows: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (org-roam-ql-defpred sample "A sample predicate" extraction-function comparison-function) #+end_src

    When the following predicate is used as ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~ : #+begin_src emacs-lisp (org-roam-ql-nodes '(sample arg1 arg2)) #+end_src

    It tests each ~node~ in the whole org-roam database as follows: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (apply comparison-function (append (list (funcall extraction-function node)) arg1 arg2)) #+end_src

    The ~EXTRACTION-FUNCTION~ takes an org-roam-node and returns a value that will be passed as the first parameter to ~COMPARISON-FUNCTION~. The remainder of the parameters when calling the predicate is passed as remaining parameters to ~COMPARISON-FUNCTION~. When the ~COMPARISON-FUNCTION~ returns a non-nil value, it will be included in the result.

  • =org-roam-ql-defexpansion (NAME DOCSTRING EXPANSION-FUNCTION)= :: Adds an ~EXPANSION-FUNCTION~ which will be identified by ~NAME~ in a org-roam-ql query. The ~EXPANSION-FUNCTION~ should take the parameters passed in the query and return values that can be passed to ~org-roam-nodes~.

** Org dynamic block Similar to ~org-ql~, ~org-roam-ql~ also provides a dynamic block. The header parameters are as follows:

  • ~:query~ - A valid [[#valid-values-for-source-or-query][ ~SOURCE-OR-QUERY~ ]]
  • ~:columns~ - A list of columns to display. Each column name is a slot name of ~org-roam-nodes~. For any function/accessor with a name of the form ~org-roam-node-~, which takes an org-roam-node as a parameter, ~~ can also be used column name. For example, if there is a function named ~org-roam-node-short-title~, ~short-title~ can be used as a column name, this will result in a column with the title ~short-title~ where the content of each row is the result of calling the respective function.
  • ~:sort~ - Name of a registered sort functions. See [[#commandsfunctions][ ~org-roam-ql-search~ ]] for more info on the values for sort functions.
  • ~:take~ (optional) - If a positive integer N, take the first N elements, if a negative -N, take the last N nodes.
  • ~:no-link~ (optional) - If a non-nil value is set, the first column containing the links will be dropped.

If no-link is not provided as a parameter, the first column is a link to the node. Since it is an id link, it will be a backlink to the node.

Following is an example of a dynamic block and its result.


  • Working with org-ql Optionally, ~org-roam-ql~ results can be visualized with [[][org-ql]], available through the extension ~org-roam-ql-ql~ (naming things is hard!!). This also can be installed from [[][MELPA]] or with other package management tools like [[][quelpa]] and [[][straight]].

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package org-roam-ql-ql ;; If using straight :straight (org-roam-ql-ql :type git :host github :repo "ahmed-shariff/org-roam-ql" :files (:defaults (:exclude "org-roam-ql.el"))) ;; If using quelpa :quelpa (org-roam-ql-ql :fetcher github :repo "ahmed-shariff/org-roam-ql" :files (:defaults (:exclude "org-roam-ql.el"))) ;; Simple config :after (org-ql org-roam-ql) :config (org-roam-ql-ql-init)) #+end_src

Note that org-ql works only with org entries, i.e., heading nodes. Hence, if there are any file nodes in the result, they will not be displayed. To be clear about that, when org-roam-ql results are displayed in an org-ql-view buffer, a warning is added to the end mentioning how many file nodes were there in the result. If the extension is loaded, you may view the org-roam-ql results with ~Q~ from the org-roam-ql transient. An org-ql-view can be viewed in an org-roam-like buffer with ~R~ from the org-ql-view transient.
