Adel Ahmadyan

Results 23 comments of Adel Ahmadyan

The models (both for EfficientNet and MobilePose) are uploaded at gs://objectron/models You can download/list them using `gsutil ls gs://objectron/models`

We did not annotate the 2D bounding boxes. My 0.02, you can always run an off-the-shelf 2D object detector (like EfficientNet or Yolo) and get the 2D bounding box and...

If I have to guess, likely a loop closure event in the SLAM system caused the camera poses to jump. We annotate in 3D, and we rely on the camera...

Your code seems correct to me. The planes are estimated by the AR tracking system in 3D, across multiple previous frames. So they are not limited just to the current...

you can download the models from the objectron bucket on gcs, at the objectron/models example (if you have gsutil, requires authentication): gsutil ls gs://objectron/model gsutil cp -r gs://objectron/model local_dataset_dir or...

It looks like you are using the older version of our models (mobile-pose) where it predicts heatmaps (1 center heatmap and 16 heatmaps for x-y displacement of 8 keypoints). If...

The geometry.pbdata contains the original ARKit camera poses. @lzhang57 did this the other way around (bringing COLMAP camera poses to our coordinates without any problem. The result are written in...

Hi Yunzhi, Thanks for the detailed feedback. I appreciate it. 1. Regarding visibility, we set the visibility mostly to 1.0 for all instances, so you can pretty much ignore it...

it is working as intended. It will keep the vertices, and sets everything else to None in the constructor. Every time if you access any of the transformation, rotation, translation,...