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Microsoft-chatbot copied to clipboard

Microsoft chatbot build using NLTK-Chatbot and django


Microsoft chatbot build using NLTK-Chatbot and django

To Running This App in Microsoft Bot Emulator

  1. Download Emulator
  2. Install Emulator
  3. in command prompt
     git clone
     cd Microsoft-chatbot
     pip install -r requirements.txt
     python makemigrations
     python migrate
     python runserver
  4. Microsoft-chatbot/bot/ set DEBUG = True
  5. open another command prompt and execute the following
     cd Microsoft-chatbot
     python process_tasks
  6. open Emulator
  7. Add an endpoint for your bot with Endpoint url http://localhost:8000/messaging/ and name localhost and save
  8. open chat and start discussing with the bot

To Run This App in Production

  1. Install postgreSQL follow the instruction in page How to install and use postgresql on ubuntu 14.04
  2. in shell prompt run
     git clone
  3. Go to Azure Portal
  4. Create a microsoft bot - Follow
  5. Generate <Microsoft App Secret> and then update below lines in Microsoft-chatbot/bot/
     DEBUG = False
     APP_CLIENT_ID = `<Microsoft App ID>`
     APP_CLIENT_SECRET = `<Microsoft App Secret>`
  6. in Microsoft-chatbot/bot/ also set ALLOWED_HOSTS with list of domain names
  7. create DB chatbot with username app_user and password InfoBotPassword in postgreSQL or change the credential in settings as per your configuration
     create database chatbot;
     create user app_user with encrypted password 'InfoBotPassword';
     grant all privileges on database chatbot to app_user;
  8. in shell prompt run
     cd Microsoft-chatbot
     pip install -r requirements.txt
     python makemigrations
     python migrate
  9. run python process_tasks in background (put it in /etc/rc.local with appropriate path to python and
  10. configure apache2 config file for this project
  11. install Let's Encrypt
  12. restart server