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source map creation

Open yitwail opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

The readme states,

A build script to bundle JS, CSS, and images for production with source-maps.

However, I don't see a source map after either npm start or npm run build. Is there an option I'm overlooking?


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yitwail avatar Jul 21 '19 19:07 yitwail

I also have this problem, where source maps are not being generated.

Edit: actually, technically -- source map is being generated. There's a sourceMappingURL in the generated javascript which is a data url for the generated code. The problem is that this data url does not represent the original sources. Instead, it represents javascript generated by webpack. So, it's useless. (Actually, worse than useless, since it defeats some of chrome's features for working with webpack.)

rdm avatar Jan 08 '20 22:01 rdm

Did anyone get the source maps working already?

pwkip avatar Apr 30 '20 17:04 pwkip