Hello, what version of CDTS are you experiencing this issue with? Thanks
We are trying to understand and narrow down the issue. Where did you remove the colcount classes from? Also, can you check if there are other places where those classes...
Hello, CDTS currently supports English and French, thank you.
Hello, as a version release, v4.0.45 has been out for about 3 months now and we haven't had any issues regarding network connectivity. I'm guessing this may be specific to...
I'll investigate on my end but it looks like document.write to be the issue. Good news is that we are in the process of introducing a new way of implementing...
Hello, I would like to further investigate this issue as I want to be certain whether this issue is linked with CDTS, document.write, or with WET. Do you have a...
Hi @Dan-Levesque, we are dependent on WET for this so as soon as WET starts supporting Bootstrap v5, we will update on our side.