FlutterGrocery-ShoppingAppUI icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FlutterGrocery-ShoppingAppUI copied to clipboard

🍔😋 Grocery Shopping App template UI kit in Flutter

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[![Mend Renovate](https://app.renovatebot.com/images/banner.svg)](https://renovatebot.com) Welcome to [Renovate](https://togithub.com/renovatebot/renovate)! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin. 🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request....

Please consider deploying the application via GitHub action. - [ ] Build the application in the pipeline - [ ] Invoke linters in the pipeline - [ ] Invoke unit...

- [ ] Create unit tests for the application

Please, consider the following tasks: - [ ] Create a database to store the users - [ ] Authenticate the user by password - [ ] Input validations - [...

Please consider implementing the following tabs: - [ ] Cart: Storing the items that the user want to buy. - [ ] Favorites: Storing the foods that are liked by...

Please consider the following tasks: - [ ] add state update for the ratings and favorite foods - [ ] persist the data (rating and favorite) - [ ] load...