Åsmund Hjulstad
Åsmund Hjulstad
When trying to convert into a python dataframe a julia dataframe with mixed datatypes, such as ``` using DataFrames import Pandas DataFrame(:v=>["Test", 42]) |> Pandas.DataFrame ``` I get error message...
I can connect to my server using ``` conn = DBInterface.connect(FunSQL.DB{ODBC.Connection}, "Driver={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};server=xxxx.database.windows.net;database=xxxx;UID=xxxx;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive;Encrypt=yes;", dialect = :sqlserver) ``` , and can query the database OK with handwritten...
On Win 10, it seems that the ODBC driver outputs strings in the local system locale, while ODBC.jl erroneously assumes they are coming as UTF-8. Tested on Win10 with ODBC...
This solves https://github.com/JuliaDatabases/ODBC.jl/issues/366 for me, but more testing (and unittests) is necessary. As far as I can understand, the SQL GUID type, isn't really a UInt128, but rather a composite...
Any reason not to implement the iterator interface on the intervalset? I wanted to do things like `sum( (span(s) for s in u) )` but that doesn't work, I need...
After fresh install of GenieBuilder plugin in VS code, unable to start server. win11, julia 1.9 beta 3 ``` (base) PS C:\Users\asmun\.vscode\extensions\geniebuilder.geniebuilder-0.2.6\scripts> julia --startup-file=no --depwarn=no c:\Users\asmun\.vscode\extensions\geniebuilder.geniebuilder-0.2.6\scripts/rungb.jl _____ _ _____ _...
When specifying PATH environment variable in the devcontainer.json, for example like this: ``` "remoteEnv": { "PATH": "${containerEnv:PATH}" } ``` the postcreate.jl script fails. ``` Running the postCreateCommand from Feature 'ghcr.io/julialang/devcontainer-features/julia:1'......
I have a parquet file in a fabric lakehouse that I would like to map in duckdb. It works well using the dfs URL `az://onelake.dfs.fabric.microsoft.com/xxx/xxxx/Files/xxxx.parquet` (just copy pasting from fabric...
I am experiencing `ReadOnlyMemoryError` when reading the results of a query into a DataFrame. Code excerpt: ``` const conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};SERVER=$server;DATABASE=$database;Uid=$username;Pwd=$password;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal;Encrypt=yes;" _getconnection() = ODBC.Connection(conn_str) data...
I am developing small Express server in Typescript. I am unable to get type declarations to work, specifically this line: ``` import { PoolStatusRecord, PoolOptions, Pool } from "msnodesqlv8/types ```...