
Results 9 comments of ahit976

对以上情况反馈: 1.运行环境: -华硕ac86u -meilin386.3.2,安装到nand -光猫桥接 -ac86u作一级路由拨号,native,stateful给下级设备分发ipv6地址 2.初始情况: -故障: *当只解析ipv6,不解析ipv4时,ifname=auto,路由器拨号成功,但路由下连接的子设备ipv4全都无法上网。显示路由ppp0虚拟网卡可以获得ipv4地址,但子设备全都无法上网。无论光猫桥接路由拨号,还是光猫拨号路由桥接全都不行。 *重置路由后,不安装插件,ipv4恢复正常,ipv6则无论(1光猫拨号路由passthrough,2光猫桥接路由native或stateless/stateful)光猫本身和下面子设备全都无法获得ipv6地址。 我甚至重置了光猫,把光猫重新注册了一遍,路由器及子设备还是获得不了ipv6。 3.解决反馈: *重置路由后,光猫桥接,路由不安装插件,ipv6设置为native,stateful,无论怎么重启,变更设置,路由器wan口和子设备就是无法获取ipv6地址。 **本来想放弃ipv6了,不再折腾插件,经过一夜以后,第二天居然神奇发生了,路由器wan口和有线连接子设备nas获得了ipv6,我也不知道为什么为什么为什么,就这么神奇。** *既然神奇自愈了,那就继续折腾插件。 这次是虚拟一个ipv4解析。(我只有ipv6,没有独立ipv4,但是看了其他人的反馈,觉得问题可能出在ipv4解析被禁用上。就虚拟了一个ipv4 dns解析。 设置为同时解析ipv4和ipv6,ifname设置为auto。这次解析成功,而且没有影响所以设备上网。 但至发帖时,wifi下属设备还仍然没有获得ipv6,但有线连接的nas已经成功获取。看看后面会不会自愈吧

反馈问题: 我在nas里面使用vmm 虚拟机安装了一个系统。 但是虚拟机只有在启动的时候可以获得路由器stateful广播的ipv6地址,一旦获得该地址后,路由器定时重新拨号(移动宽带强制),产生新的ipv6地址,ra广播,无法刷新虚拟机下ipv6地址。导致这个虚拟机的地址总是旧的。 nas倒是可以即时更新。 插件运行时,有时因为路由器无法发现活跃ipv6 clients,导致失败

> Have you any other ZigBee devices with this gateway? If they works fine? THANKS for your attention. This Xiaomi 3 gate way has 2 aqara E1 zigbee switches, 3...

> How many beeps do you heard? after 60 sec,heard one short beep. i search the manaul. it shows that fail to link

> Can you pair other Zigbee devices with this gateway? I successfully intergrated a wireless remote key with the gateway. i think the gateway is well.

> Well. You may try to reboot Gateway 3. And power off M1S during pairing. Thanks. I did that but still not work. I think it may be something about...

> I tried countless times, #151 method also tried, still can't, every time when compiling will appear the following error. > > .................(bad exit status: 2) Error! Bad return status...

The same issue as above. Can't see any images in the App-Resources either. memos V0.20.0 HarmonyOS 4

> > Latest version fixed it > > […](#) > > On Wed, Feb 28, 2024, 7:21 PM ahit976 _**@**_._**> wrote: The same issue as above. Can't see any images...