I think if you save it as a ggplot object and then mod it later it might work? example ``` g = cnetplot(reactome, categorySize="pvalue") g + ggtitle ( "hi") +...
hey @billy-s-lab from experience its usually in the layer however its kind of experimental without knowing how the plot was constrcuted. For example if the size was declared in the...
@zhangyuqing I'm a bit confused about this since it looks like option 1 is recommended? My understanding is that the linear model should be run with uncorrected data with batch...
@lrlvnvgene I could be wrong but sometimes the comuputation will require more than the vector size. You could try to increase virtual memory on windows, `invisible(utils::memory.limit(50000))`
@rlittman16 did you get it to work? I'm having the same issue when trying to import
Hi @StevenWingett I'm confused, just downloaded the genome and it looks like there is only one directory with rRNA and it looks like its all for mouse? Is there one...
Thanks @StevenWingett I build a hg19 tRNA/rRNA with bowtie2 yesterday. Would you be interested in that? I can send you a link. A
@StevenWingett I used ensembl biomart. I just checked and it has a lot of different organisms including human, mouse, chicken, etc etc. I think depending on how well the organism...
@Ilarius just a random idea while reading through this. What about using your cell annotations ( blood cells ) as a source of "normal" cells. May be set a seed...
> I believe that using the filtered matrix is the correct procedure , to check for incorrectly classified cells you can view the heatmap to see if the separation was...