JsonDataObjects copied to clipboard
JSON parser for Delphi 2009 and newer
From my benchmark JsonDataObjects is the fastest lib for read write json in delphi, It's awersome! but is poor in documentation. I'm searching for examples for writing large json (over...
Hi, Thank you for your great work. Do you have any plan to implement "Object schema validation", similar to https://github.com/hapijs/joi Thank you
Can you add Marshalling support for record and arrays too ? (like in https://github.com/onryldz/x-superobject) Thank you
Added TimeZone firendly abilities. The new TDateTimeTZ record is used to store datetime values. TDateTimeTZ stores both original time and offset values. It has some helper function to convert original...
It is often not necessary to create DOM (JsonObject) when serializing objects to a stream. It is more efficient to expose a public TJsonWriter to perform such task. TJsonOutputWriter is...
I have to serialize and transmit data structures like this: ``` TFoo = class Html: WideString; FileContent: UTF8String; end; ``` e.g. The producer may be Internet Explorer or IDE which...
how about ignore case the key?
in class operator TJsonDataValueHelper.Implicit(const Value: Variant): TJsonDataValueHelper; {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} if Result.FData.FObj nil then Result.FData.FObj := nil; {$ENDIF AUTOREFCOUNT} this is (the directive) preventing to initialize the FObj to nil when...
This is a very strange bug - it only manifests itself under our ISAPI application running on IIS (Windows Server) but not on IIS (Windows 10 professional) Anyway, making a...
Hello @ahausladen Please add escaping for characters greater than #126 and a JsonSerializationConfig parameter to do this or not by default.