Python-Basics copied to clipboard
👀 Expert coders say that people should learn Python as their first programming language and I say that they should start from this repository. 🐍🐍
Python is the best language to start for beginners
In this repository, I have added Python basics code which will be helpful for beginners who are new to programming as well as programmers of different language. Lots of basics topics has been covered with sufficient examples. After studying this repository, coders will have a proper knowledge about coding in Python. After that, they can move to any separate field of programming. It can be Data Science, Software Engineering, Web Development, Game Development, System Development etc.
Table of Contents
- Intro to Python
- Displaying text and string
- Finding mistakes
- Variables
- Manipulating code
- Solving math with python
- Programmer-User Interaction
- If Statement
- If Statement in Complex Situation
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Lists
- Writing Files with Python
- Reading from Files
- Binary & Appending
- CSV File
- Dictionary
- Sets
- Tuples
- Functions
- Error Handling
- Slicing
- Map, Filter, Reduce Functions
- Lambda Expression
- Comprehesions
- Counter Class
- Iterables, Generators & Yeild
- 5 Common mistakes in python
- 10 Quick tips for python coders
- More tips
- Range vs Xrange
- Array
- Decorators
- Decorators with arguements
- If__Name__
- Hiding secret keys
- Named tuple
- Image manipulation
- Turtle
- Duck Typing & EAFP
- Logging
- Variable scope, LEGB rule & namespace
- Shallow & Deep copy
- Unit testing
- Again generators
- Context manager
- Bitwise operation
- Calculate remaining time to reach goals
- Walrus operator
- Emails in python
- Advanced python
The materials in this repository were collected from:
- This MVA's video is highly recommanded:
Also you could read books and watch videos form youtube channels or websites to learn python.
- Learn Python the Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code - (Zed Shaw)
- Python Notes for Professionals
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python - (Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. Goldwasser),that%20is%20clear%20and%20concise.
Youtube channels:
- Corey Schafer (@CoreyMSchafer) -
- freeCodeCamp (@freeCodeCamp)-
- CS Dojo (@ykdojo)-
- Tech with Tim (@techwithtim)-
- Sentdex (@Sentdex)-
- Clever Programmer (@CleverProgrammer)-
- Edureka -
- Telusko -
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