Aireza Heidarikhazaei
Aireza Heidarikhazaei
In the '', the packages mentioned with the specific names As the latest updates still work with Holoclean and it still is in developing mode, we can pass the setuptools...
We need to add holoclean to PPI so people can install it using `pip install holoclean`
If we have '-', '/', '.' or other special characters in columns name, because dataframe_to_table method don't put them in comma, we have a problem in creating a table in...
When you start from scratch, running these two scripts don't solve the database and user connection problem and users have a problem with dropping schema publicly. I solve this problem...
_ingest_dataset(file_path) if the path file is inaccessible it give the user Traceback of function calls
When we have lateral predicate like t1.A='f' The denial constraints object's component will put " 'f' " As value. It does not remove quotations.
The tqdm , Distance and torch need cython to be install and this package cannot install as dependency package and create error we need to add this as package requirement,...
The current error detection does not analyze denial constraints and calculates same tables for all of them we can divide them into two type symmetric and non-symmetric, also we can...
Based on RE rules like: (\s)+ ----> \s (\n)+ ----> \n (\t)+ ----> empty (\\)+ ----> empty ,(\s)*, ----> ,, This is part of things that we have to catch...
Materialise specific tables for DC's to see if we get better performance. Benefit: Possible performance boost, need to be checked and tested Cost: 1 day