Ag Ibragimov

Results 91 issues of Ag Ibragimov

Adds eww module. *A few useful things I borrowed from Protesilaos Stavrou. I don't know what the proper attribution protocols we follow in Doom, I simply added a comment, but...


When Emacs GUI App is used with `ns-use-native-fullscreen nil` and has the frame in fullscreen mode - somehow `hs.expose` doesn't see it. I've tried all sorts of things - overriding...

I'd like to add a functionality to my config that would allow me to resize or move current application window so it touches the edge of the adjacent window. What's...

As a user of Clojure-Lsp I would like to have a way to list recently changed functions. *Similar to `projectile-recentf` command which lists recently modified files, I'd like to see...


Can someone please share how they do it on a Mac? I have to use a Mac (not by choice) and with every update something Python-related breaks in the system....

### Description `org-roam-node-find` seems to be incompatible with `ivy-occur`. I don't use helm, so I haven't checked it with `helm-occur`. I suspect, the results may be the same. #### Steps...

1. enhancement
3. Priority: Low
2. core

`verb-send-request-on-point` works for both - tree-structured and source-block approaches. But it doesn't seem to correctly detect the source block at point, when there are multiple within the same heading, i.e.,...

If there are multiple templates within the same hierarchy of headings, i.e., ``` * Requests :verb: template https://domain1:8080/rest/ ** Cats template *** breeds GET /breeds ``` Attempting to send...

verb-send-request-on-point also works when the point is on the source block, even though it doesn't run for the source block but for the heading. Yet that often gives an illusion...

Fails to start a lsp session with "LSP :: Error from the Language Server: Request initialize failed with message: self is not defined (Internal Error)" not sure what has changed,...
