OverlayViewController icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
OverlayViewController copied to clipboard

A simple way to present your child view controller on top of another one


A simple way to present your child view controller on top of another one. Read relevant article: https://andreygordeev.com/2017/04/18/overlay-view-controller-protocols-swift/.

Written on Swift.


Parent view controller

Make the parent view controller conforming to OverlayHost protocol and call showOverlay(_:) method when needed:

class ViewController: UIViewController, OverlayHost {
    @IBAction func showOverlayButtonPressed() {
        showOverlay(type: MessageViewController.self, fromStoryboardWithName: "Main")

Overlay view controller

Make the parent view controller conforming to OverlayViewController protocol and call dismissOverlay() method when you want to dismiss the overlay:

class MessageViewController: UIViewController, OverlayViewController {
    let overlaySize: CGSize? = CGSize(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width * 0.8, height: 120.0)
    @IBAction func closeButtonPressed() {

On storyboard, set view controller's Storyboard ID to MessageViewController.


Just drop OverlayViewController.swift into your project and you're all set.


Andrey Gordeev


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