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NodeMCU ESP32 : Protocol version of client is unrecognized, expected Rev 1 (rosserial 0.5+)
I have ROS melodic installed on my Master Linux machine where I have my roscore running.
I have serially connected NodeMCU esp32 to the linux machine, where esp32 publishes data of an ultrasonic sensor on a topic which is then subscribed by node running on a linux machine.
I get this error when I am trying to run rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyUSB0 Error: Protocol version of client is unrecognized, expected Rev 1 (rosserial 0.5+)
that is why when i run rostopic echo /topicname, there is no such topic found.
Also, When I run the same code on arduino UNO, everything works as expected.
Kindly help me with a detailed explanation as I am a beginner in ROS and cannot proceed further.
hi @sunnysetia93 ... you must have solved the problem ... can you help me to come out of the same ... m using neotic and foxy . thank you...
@sujoy743175 here some people seem to have solved this problem. If you understand their there discussion then please explain me too, I am not good at programming.
It solved my problem.
My ESP-32 was running at 240Mhz, when I changed it to 160Mhz this error was gone. You change it in the Arduino IDE tools>CPU frequency
It solved my problem.
It worked for me too.---Thanks---