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JasperReports from Node.js
JasperReports within Node.js
Install via npm:
npm install --save node-jasper
To use it inside your project just do:
var jasper = require('node-jasper')(options);
Where options is an object with the following signature:
options: {
path: , //Path to jasperreports-x.x.x directory (from jasperreports-x.x.x-project.tar.gz)
reports: {
// Report Definition
"name": {
jasper: , //Path to jasper file,
jrxml: , //Path to jrxml file,
conn: , //Connection name, definition object or false (if false defaultConn won't apply or if ´in_memory_json´ then you can pass an JSON object in the ´dataset´ property for in-memory data sourcing instead of database access
drivers: {
// Driver Definition
"name": {
path: , //Path to jdbc driver jar
class: , //Class name of the driver (what you would tipically place in "Class.forName()" in java)
type: //Type of database (mysql, postgres)
conns: {
// Connection Definition
"name": {
host: , //Database hostname or IP
port: , //Database Port
dbname: , //Database Name
user: , //User Name
pass: , //User Password
jdbc: , //jdbc connection String. If this is defined, every thing else but user and pass becomes optional.
driver: //name or definition of the driver for this conn
defaultConn: ,//Default Connection name
java: ,//Array of java options, for example ["-Djava.awt.headless=true"]
javaInstnace: //Instance of node-java, if this is null, a new instance will be created and passed in 'java' property
Instance of node-java that we are currently running.
add(name, report)
Add a new report definition identified by name.
In report definition one of jasper or jrxml must be present.
Alias for export(report, 'pdf')
export(report, format)
Returns the compiled report in the specified format.
report can be of any of the following types:
A string that represents report's name. No data is supplied.. defaultConn will be applied to get data with reports internal query.
An object that represents report's definition. No data is supplied.. if conn is not present, then defaultConn will be applied to get data with reports internal query.
An object that represents reports, data and properties to override for this specific method call.
{ report: , //name, definition or an array with any combination of both data: {}, //Data to be applied to the report. If there is an array of reports, data will be applied to each. override: {} //properties of report to override for this specific method call. dataset: {} //an object to be JSON serialized and passed to the Report as fields instead of parameters (see the example for more info) query: '' // string to pass to jasperreports to query on the dataset }
An array with any combination of the three posibilities described before.
A function returning any combination of the four posibilities described before.
var express = require('express'),
app = express(),
jasper = require('node-jasper')({
path: 'lib/jasperreports-5.6.0',
reports: {
hw: {
jasper: 'reports/helloWorld.jasper'
drivers: {
pg: {
path: 'lib/postgresql-9.2-1004.jdbc41.jar',
class: 'org.postgresql.Driver',
type: 'postgresql'
conns: {
dbserver1: {
host: '',
port: 5432,
dbname: 'example',
user: 'johnny',
pass: 'test',
driver: 'pg'
defaultConn: 'dbserver1'
app.get('/pdf', function(req, res, next) {
//beware of the datatype of your parameter.
var report = {
report: 'hw',
data: {
id: parseInt(, 10)
secundaryDataset: jasper.toJsonDataSource({
data: ...
dataset: //main dataset
var pdf = jasper.pdf(report);
'Content-type': 'application/pdf',
'Content-Length': pdf.length
That's It!.