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Dribbble Android SDK is an unofficial wrapper for Dribbble API v1. (Designer, Shot, Comment, User Story, Like, Follow)

Dribbble API SDK


Dribbble Android SDK is an unofficial wrapper for Dribbble API v1.

Link to iOS repo

Check out our Dribbble iOS SDK


  • Android Studio

    To use Dribbble API SDK as source code, clone the project and import sdk-library/ module into your project.

  • Maven

Add rependency in your .pom file:

  • Gradle

Add dependency in your build.gradle file:

compile 'com.agilie:dribbble-sdk-library:1.1'


Android 4.4+ (API level 19+)

Quick Start

The reason why min SDK level is so high is because Dribbble stopped supporting protocols lower than TLS1.2. As per provided table, it is supported since API level 16 and enabled automatically since API 20+. So, the handshake with Dribbble fails for Android versions lower than 4.4.2 (this site does not even work in devices' browsers).

Here you can find the workaround how to enable TLS 1.2 support for Android OS lower than 5.0. don't forget to add this in your project:

// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29249630/android-enable-tlsv1-2-in-okhttp
    private void checkTls() {
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
            try {
                ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync(this, new ProviderInstaller.ProviderInstallListener() {
                    public void onProviderInstalled() {
                        // successfully enabled

                    public void onProviderInstallFailed(int i, Intent intent) {
                        // no Google Play Services provided?
            } catch (Exception e) {

Please follow sdk usage example. It demonstrates how to login, logout and call API methods provided by SDK. Don't forget to fill the credentials to use Dribbble API:

private static final String DRIBBBLE_CLIENT_ID = "<YOUR CLIENT ID HERE>";

Authorization isn't required, you can use non-authorized access for some methods. In this case, API client uses default access token provided by Dribbble. You can get the app access token, client id and secret keys on your Dribbble app page, check out the next links:

  • Register your app on https://dribbble.com/account/applications/new

  • Documentation: http://developer.dribbble.com/v1/

API usage

Use DribbbleAuthHelper.java class for authorization:

  • Log into your Dribbble's account using startOauthDialog method:
DribbbleAuthHelper.startOauthDialog(ExampleActivity.this, credentials, new DribbbleAuthHelper.AuthListener() {

            public void onSuccess(final Credential credential) {
                String authToken = credential.getAccessToken();
                // TODO: Handle success login event

            public void onError(Exception ex) {
                // TODO: Handle error here
  • Logout is also easy:
AuthCredentials credentials = AuthCredentials.newBuilder(

DribbbleAuthHelper.logout(YourActivity.this, credentials);

All Dribbble's API methods are mapped through Retrofit interfaces:

  • DribbbleBucketsService.java
Call<Bucket> getBucket(@Path("id") long bucketId);

Call<Bucket> createBucket(@Body Bucket bucket);

Call<Bucket> updateBucket(@Path("id") long bucketId, @Body Bucket bucket);

Call<Void> deleteBucket(@Path("id") long bucketId);

Call<List<Shot>> getShotsForBucket(@Path("id") long bucketId);

Call<Void> addShotToBucket(@Path("id") long bucketId, @Query("shot_id") long shotId);

Call<Void> removeShotFromBucket(@Path("id") long bucketId, @Query("shot_id") long shotId);
  • DribbbleProjectsService.java
Call<Project> getProject(@Path("id") long projectId);

Call<List<Shot>> getShotsForProject(@Path("id") long projectId);
  • DribbbleShotsService.java
Call<List<Shot>> fetchShots(@Query("page") int page);

Call<List<Shot>> fetchShots(@Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage);

Call<List<Shot>> fetchShots(@Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage, @Query("list") String list, @Query("sort") String sort);

Call<List<Shot>> fetchShots(@Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage, @Query("list") String list, @Query("sort") String sort, @Query("date") String date, @Query("timeframe") String timeframe);

Call<List<Shot>> fetchShots(@Query("page") int page, @Query("list") String list, @Query("sort") String sort, @Query("date") String date, @Query("timeframe") String timeframe);

Call<List<Shot>> fetchShots(@Query("list") String list);

Call<List<Shot>> fetchShots(@QueryMap Map<String, Object> parameters);

Call<List<Shot>> fetchSortedShots(@Query("sort") String sort);

Call<Shot> getShot(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<Void> createShot(@Part("title") String title, @Part MultipartBody.Part image, @Part("description") String description,
                          @Part("tags") String[] tags, @Part("team_id") int teamId, @Part("rebound_source_id") int reboundSourceId);
Call<Void> createShot(@Part("title") String title, @Part MultipartBody.Part image, @Part("description") String description,
                          @Part("tags") String[] tags);
Call<Void> createShot(@Part("title") String title, @Part MultipartBody.Part image);

@POST("shots")Call<Void> createShot(@PartMap Map<String, Object> partMap);

Call<Shot> updateShot(@Path("id") long shotId, @Part("title") String title, @Part("description") String description,
                          @Part("team_id") int teamId, @Part("tags") String[] tags);
Call<Void> deleteShot(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<List<Attachment>> getShotAttachments(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<Void> createShotAttachment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Part("file") RequestBody file);

Call<Attachment> getShotAttachment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long attachmentId);

Call<Void> deleteShotAttachment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long attachmentId);

Call<List<Bucket>> getShotBuckets(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<List<Comment>> getShotComments(@Path("shot") long shotId);

Call<List<Like>> getCommentLikes(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long commentId);

Call<Comment> createComment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Body Comment body);

Call<Comment> getShotComment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long commentId);

Call<Comment> updateShotComment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long commentId, @Body Comment comment);

Call<Void> deleteShotComment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long commentId);

Call<Like> checkIsLikedShotComment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long commentId);

Call<Like> likeShotComment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long commentId);

Call<Void> unlikeShotComment(@Path("shot") long shotId, @Path("id") long commentId);

Call<List<Like>> getShotLikes(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<Like> checkShotIsLiked(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<Like> likeShot(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<Void> unlikeShot(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<List<Project>> getShotProjectsList(@Path("id") long shotId);

Call<List<Rebound>> getShotReboundsList(@Path("id") long shotId);
  • DribbbleTeamsService.java
Call<List<User>> getTeamMembersList(@Path("team") long teamId);

Call<List<Shot>> getTeamShotsList(@Path("team") long teamId);
  • DribbbleUserService.java
Call<User> getSingleUser(@Path("user") long userId);

Call<User> fetchAuthenticatedUser();

Call<List<Bucket>> getUsersBuckets(@Path("user") long userId);

Call<List<Bucket>> getAuthenticatedUsersBuckets();

Call<List<Follower>> getUsersFollowers(@Path("user") long userId, @Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage);

Call<List<Follower>> getAuthenticatedUsersFollowers(@Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage);

Call<List<Followee>> getFollowingByUser(@Path("user") long userId);

Call<List<Followee>> getFollowingByUser(@Path("user") long userId, @Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage);

Call<List<Followee>> getFollowingByCurrentUser();

Call<List<Shot>> shotsForUserFollowedByUser();

Call<Void> checkUserIsFollowed(@Path("user") long userId);

Call<Void> checkUserIsFollowingAnother(@Path("user") long userId, @Path("target_user") long targetUserId);

Call<Void> followUser(@Path("id") long userId);

Call<Void> unfollowUser(@Path("id") long userId);

Call<List<Like>> getUsersLikes(@Path("user") long userId);

Call<List<Like>> getUsersLikes(@Path("user") long userId, @Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage);

Call<List<Like>> getAuthenticatedUsersLikes();

Call<List<Project>> getUsersProjects(@Path("user") long userId);

Call<List<Project>> getAuthenticatedUsersProjects();

Call<List<Shot>> getUsersShots(@Path("user") long userId);

Call<List<Shot>> getUsersShots(@Path("user") long userId, @Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage);

Call<List<Shot>> getAuthenticatedUsersShots(@Query("page") int page, @Query("per_page") int perPage);

Call<List<Team>> getUsersTeams(@Path("user") long userId);

Call<List<Team>> getAuthenticatedUsersTeams(@Query("page") int page);



Problems? Check the Issues block to find the solution or create an new issue that we will fix asap.


This library is open-sourced by Agilie Team [email protected]


Contact us

If you have any questions, suggestions or just need a help with web or mobile development, please email us at
[email protected]
You can ask us anything from basic to complex questions.
We will continue publishing new open-source projects. Stay with us, more updates will follow!


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright © 2017 Agilie Team